Thursday, February 16, 2023

I can't say it too strongly. GET OUT OF "BLUE" BIG CITIES. NOW.


I've said many times before that if you value your safety and security, and that of your loved ones, you should get out of big cities, particularly "blue" ones under the control of a left-wing progressive administration.  Again and again I've heard replies that it simply isn't possible, that family ties prevent it, that "I can't afford it", and so on.

Well, that's your call - but the reality of city life is that it's getting more violent and more dangerous by the day.  No, that's not an exaggeration.  Examples:

Big Apple’s core is rotten with crime: NYPD stats, experts, biz owners

The Big Apple’s core is rotten with crime, new police stats show.

Major crimes in the Midtown South have skyrocketed 44% as of Feb. 5 compared to the same time last year, with 412 incidents vs. 287, according to the NYPD.

The staggering jump in crime outpaces the total incidents for the city, which increased just 2.6%.

The precinct features some of the city’s most crowded and iconic spots, including Times Square, the Grand Central Terminal, Madison Square Garden and the Port Authority Bus Terminal — near where fatal gunfire erupted this week.

Seattle 2022 crime report: Violent crime, homicides and shootings increased

Seattle's violent crime rate reached a 15-year high in 2022, surpassing the record set in 2021, according to a yearly crime report released by the Seattle Police Department (SPD).

New data released by SPD indicates that violent crime increased by 4% compared to 2021, which was the previous all-time high in reported crimes. Totals in 2022, however, surpassed the 2021 mark with 49,577 violent and property crimes. The department reported that aggravated assault and motor vehicle thefts were "significantly" high in 2022 compared to a five-year weighted average.

Chicago Violent Crime Out of Control, with [Mayor] Lightfoot in Full Panic

... crime in Chicago is now completely out of control. Every neighborhood is suffering after Lightfoot’s ill-advised political war with cops. She’s made them defensive, and they’re constantly worried about becoming involved in a controversial arrest, then having the mayor and other politicians throw them under the bus and take their pensions.

So they don’t police. They simply respond when the calls come in, when the bodies hit the floor.

Without law there is chaos. You see it. I see it.

. . .

Without astute management in Chicago, without structural fiscal change, without real school choice to give the city hope, without leadership that provides safety and order, what remains: Chaos and anarchy. And tired leftist race rhetoric to manage the decline.

Philadelphia Neighborhood Like a 'Walking Dead' Episode as Soft-on-Crime Policies and Animal Tranquilizer Craze Take Over the City

  • Overall shootings have increased by 3%, according to city stats.
  • Overall violent crime is up 7% from the same time last year.
  • Robberies in which perpetrators used guns are up 60%.
  • Property crimes are up more than 30%, with businesses getting hit hard as commercial burglaries have risen a staggering 50%.

Philadelphia is far from the only U.S. city to experience issues like this. I’ve written about my town of Los Angeles, but Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and other cities are other poster children for violence, drug addiction, and homelessness. While our government gives billions for “green energy,” focuses on wokeness obsessively, and gives billions to Ukraine, they seem to have no interest in our own cities as they descend into cesspools of despair and death.

Need I go on?  I could link to similar articles about almost every Democrat-run city in America today.  The authorities in those cities don't care at all about the safety, security and well-being of their people.  That's proved by their lack of attention to those issues.  They're too busy following their "woke" agendas, feathering their own nests, and making sure that their local elections are sufficiently "influenced" that they will never be removed from office.

Friends, it's all very well to talk about behaving defensively;  not going to crime hotspots, maintaining a high level of situational awareness, carrying a gun where possible, and all the rest.  The fact remains, if you persist in living in areas where crime and violence are daily occurrences - and increasing all the time - then all the precautions in the world won't stop that affecting you.  It's like the fabled tale of King Canute trying to hold back the incoming tide by issuing a royal command.  It won't work.  The forces of criminality are inexorably inching closer to you.  In some cases, they're not inching at all - they're charging flat-out in your direction.

As we mentioned not long ago, this is exacerbated by the current influx of illegal aliens.  Many of them come from countries where crime and violence are endemic.  They're bringing that history and that attitude with them.  If they can't find work, or some other honest way to make a living, they'll fuel the crime epidemic by taking what they need, one way or another.  There are some ways one can prepare to deal with this problem, but they won't help if one's environment overall is both insecure now, and not possible to secure in the immediate future.

It's no good building a levee to keep out the water if the water (i.e. crime) has already flooded your property.  In most "blue" cities in America today, that's already happened.  One's choices are to learn to live with the water, and the permanent, never-ending damage it will cause, or move to where it's dryer.  The latter is the only safe alternative.

I know that moving under such circumstances can be extremely difficult.  One may lose money on the sale of one's home, be forced to accept a lower-paid job in another place, disrupt the kids' schooling by moving them between school districts or even states, and all those things.  Sometimes it seems impossible to break family ties and move away from parents or siblings.  Nevertheless, it's time to ask yourself:  what's your life worth?  What's the safety of your family worth?

If the economy continues its downward slide, if inflation continues to take its toll on the value of our hard-earned dollars, if the EBT system crashes or runs out of money, if more and more stores close due to the pressure of crime, if things go south in Ukraine and drag us into a shooting war there . . . all these dangers loom on our horizon right now.  We can't predict which, if any, of them will actually happen and/or affect where we live.  However, we can be sure that if enough of them do, the effects will be felt in our cities, adding to the "urban pressure-cooker" effect.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to be anywhere near that pressure-cooker if the pressure gets too great, and something has to give.

John Wilder has been publishing his monthly Civil War Reports for some years.  In the latest edition, he issues a blunt warning - one directly tied into the situation in our "blue" cities.

I’ve written these Civil War Weather Reports for years now, and I can’t get away from one thing:  we’re coming apart.  The Right is essentially in the same place, but the Left is moving farther and farther left, faster.

. . .

In no sane world do we go from “recognizing gay marriage” to “we must give your child puberty blockers in anticipation of removal of their genitals” in less than ten years.  That’s not normal, and it’s nothing less than an amazing change, and in a country of several hundred million people, it couldn’t have moved any faster.

The attack is the same attack that the Left always uses, attempting to normalize behavior that is far beyond the norm, and then recasting anyone who would push back as bigoted.

The targets of the attacks from the Left are often the same, too – the most frequent is the atom of society – the family.  Families are the basic building block of civilization, and have been since Grug first knocked Gorga over the head and drug her back to the cave to make babies.

I wonder what the alternative is?

The Left hates families almost as much as they hate God.  Er, the Christian God.  In their mind, all other gods are the result of dimwitted (often brown) people who need to be pandered to and talked to like they are pets.  But families are the first targets.


Because it works.  Leftism has ripped the family apart through the use of things like welfare and no-fault divorce and divorce-rape of men.  The idea is that Progress for Leftist women can come via destruction of the family for Fun and Profit and Games and Prizes.  Imagine how this works when multiplied by race and class?

Well, you can’t say you weren’t warned . . .

Look around, and see it – the culture is coming apart.  The coming Civil War isn’t going to be an accident, since it’s already on someone’s schedule.

There's more at the link.

Read John Wilder's warning, then consider this.  How many of the criminals in our big cities grew up in stable families with both parents present?  How many of them went to school, learned, and graduated with a future ahead of them?  How many of them have sufficient education to get and hold a job?

You know, and I know, that most of them had none of those advantages.  They were feral youth, and now they're feral adults - and increasingly, they're running amok in our cities.

Folks, I'm just about done issuing this warning, because so few people are listening.  The only reason I do so again today is that my readers - most of them, anyway - are fundamentally good people who've just gotten too used to the situation.  They're suffering from confirmation bias.  They selectively note things that reinforce their status quo, and gloss over those that threaten it, because that's the most comfortable thing to do.  Unfortunately, that's very, very dangerous behavior.  Consider:

  • That's what the Jews in Nazi Germany did when Hitler came to power.  A few of them saw the writing on the wall, and got out while they could.  Most, however, could not and would not believe that their neighbors would treat them that way.  They died in the concentration camps.
  • That's what the white population in Rhodesia did when the terrorist onslaught began to worsen.  They could not believe that "their blacks" would hate them or want to take what they had.  They never even thought about the inevitability of demographics.  Five per cent of the population could not suppress the other ninety-five per cent forever - and thus Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, with consequences we all know.  South Africa took longer, but it went the same way.

There are plenty of other examples.  Right now, a lot of people living in big "blue" cities in America are telling themselves that things can't get that far out of hand, can't run out of control.  Surely the "authorities" will see to that?

If you think that, go back and re-read the articles with which I began this post... and think again.

Larger and larger areas of our "blue" cities are becoming dangerous concentrations of criminals, unstable individuals and quasi-families, and illegal aliens.  When that concentration reaches critical mass...




  1. My parents live in a fairly wealthy "Planned urban Development" on a lake...the number of people moving from Chicago to their neighborhood is increasing. Black, White, asian, it doesn't matter. These people are moving from the wealthy downtown districts of Chicago to the "Country" simply for security. They all bemoan the loss of dining and shopping, but they would rather feel safe.
    As one of their black neighbors (a VERY wealthy and nice older couple, who built a million dollar home near where my parents live) has said, "The streets change hands after dark in Downtown". They had the ability to move, and they have done so.

  2. Peter,

    I just stumbled across your blog and find it to be interesting. I happen to be one of the people living in a blue city. I hate it. There's very little here that I find redeeming, but what I do find redeeming makes it worth staying. Maybe I'm just a stubborn fool but I'm Navy trained so bear with me in this analogy: When you find the ship you are on to be sinking, start bailing! Don't abandon ship because there are no other ships coming to rescue you. You need to work together as a crew, stop the flow of water, pump out any flooded compartments and set the ship to rights.

    Oh how I wish I could leave the city! But then what? If I move to a small place with acreage I can be self sufficient for a time. And then what? I could move to a community that I am a total stranger and outsider in and live the solitary life. And then what? It's not about the money we're doing fine in that regards. Where I'm at I have community. I have neighbors that I have developed friendships with over the past 20 years. I have my garden and chickens in the backyard and I'm happy to share the bounty and my neighbors do likewise. I have two churches that I find to be orthodox within 10 minutes of my home. My doctor is a fellow parishioner at my church and he and I are on the same page politically, morally, spiritually and otherwise. I can work on my cars, but my mechanic is trustworthy and has never done me wrong and as long as he continues to treat me well, I will give him my business.

    My point is this. Don't run from the troubles. They are going to find you if your in the country or in the blue city. Build your community. Build your networks. Build friendships. Have children and home school them. Dress up in you best for church. Say your prayers over your meals when eating out. Set an example and hold others accountable to the standards of decency and civility. Are you going to take a few lumps for this radical behavior? Yup that's guaranteed. Are there some people that are complete animals and have no regard for you, others, or what it means to be a decent human being? Yup. Can I change their behavior by myself? No. Can I form a community and we as a community change behavior? Yup. These fools have changed it for the worse. We can change it for the better. Don't abandon ship, start bailing and save it cause there's no one else coming to rescue you.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

  3. When considering moving, look around at housing and living costs versus income.
    It might surprise you how much cheaper housing and living costs are in suburban and rural areas, often more than making up for lower pay, if the pay IS lower.
    For example, where I live, housing costs are lower than the 4 nearest metro areas AND average salaries are higher. The closest of those metro areas is over 200 miles away, so their problems stay at a distance.

  4. And those crime stats? That's the reported crime stats that the departments haven't been able to devalue or ignore. That's not including all the unreported crimes because people have gotten tired or wary of reporting any crimes.

    What do I mean? Say you're a store owner, and some street thug walks in and steals $2,000 of merchandise and all the money out of the till at gunpoint. Call the cops? Wait just a minute, because street thug will be right out on the street within 24 hours. And said street thug will know you called the cops.

    There are places it's not worth going to anymore. San Francisco, you can't have a car there because break-ins and street auto shops are so common you won't have a car left in 24 hours (okay, exaggeration, but...) Portland and Seattle and LA and San Fran and NYC and Chicago and all the other big cities? You can't have a small business in a traditional shop space because of the thefts and robberies.

    And, sadly enough, this is what happened in the last gasp of pre-Nazi Germany. The leadership let prisoners out and stopped enforcing laws and actively encouraging thugs and felons to thug and felon so the leadership could justify nationalizing all police forces.

    Think I'm crazy? Just look at all the city police departments nationalized under Comrade Obama. Nationalized because of hate crimes that the regime stoked.

  5. In Germany in the 1930s -

    The pessimists went to America

    The optimists went to Auschwitz

  6. I get it, but have given up on awakening anyone else. Most of the responses range from some sort of denial to facile jokes. We are limited by age and health but anything one does to better the odds is important. One question I get is "Why are you worried, you are more prepared than any one else I know?" That may be true but I can always see holes that aren't filled or that my limitations won't let me fill, there's always another step to take.
    The King Canute story is actually better than the historical fable. The true story is that he got tired of the flatterers that surrounded him every day and had his throne carried to the sea shore to prove his limitations to the court, by showing that the sea didn't obey him.

  7. First, I escaped from LA.
    Then I escaped from San Antonio.

  8. I would go so far as to say get out of any big city now, not just the "blue" ones. All it takes is some event that will result in a WROL situation, for any big city to become dangerous. That event could be the loss of electricity for more than a few days, supply chain disruption that leaves grocery stores empty, or some other event that would cause a certain element of society to become ungovernable.
    With all of the "accidents" that seem to be happening with increasing frequency, that day may come sooner than you think.

  9. Some people, many of them older or more disabled, cannot be far from a city. However, that doesn't have to be one of the BIG cities that are most dangerous.

    I'm in Lorain, OH. Relatively small city along Lake Erie. Good access to medical care, emergency services, and living in a part of the city with stable neighborhoods. Almost all of the crime happens on the other side of the Black River (the East Side). Access to my side is limited - there are several bridge connections, but it would be relatively easy to limit access by people seeking to invade.

    The thing is, the country, if you don't have strong connections, is not necessarily better. People help their kin - NOT recently moved strangers. You are dependent on well water, or local rivers/lakes. You may be a LONG ride away from medical care, access to medications, or other necessities. Not a good place for an old person to retreat to, if they aren't accompanied by younger family members.

  10. Mike, I get you. As a fellow squid, I really do. You believe in the United States, and believe that the nation of our birth, of our service, can turn around. After all, we've seen this happen with dirtbag ships, so why not the ship of state?

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Fixing a bad ship takes replacing the officers and goat locker, then rigorous training. With more elections being fixed, there's no replacing the officers of USS America, and they know it. The MAA is not your friend, he takes his orders from those corrupt folks in charge. You will not be able to protect your space or your friends. If you try, you're the one going to the brig, not the guy that jacked your locker.

    As if that isn't enough, the folks getting transferred in are almost all useless dirtbags and thieves. All you and your good workgroup are doing is delaying the inevitable by being a spot of hope in a sea of despair. Then you and yours will be scapegoated for not being inclusive and diverse, charged with BS, and punished for the crime of not going along.

    Transfer out, dude. Bailing the water out of a sinking ship normally makes sense, but not in this case. Not when the rest of the crew is busy putting new holes in the hull and rifling the lockers instead of damage control. Do it for family and those friends that will need a place to stay when feces encounter whirling blades. Let the bad guys go down with their ship, and be ready to build better when the time comes.

  11. The plan is to leave when my parents are no longer around. I can retire then. The most dangerous spot I go to is my son's potential in-laws house, which is in an infamously bad neighborhood. I nearly got run over by a police car the last time I was there.

    I noticed my employer [Very Large Corporation of America] is no longer pushing people to relocate to locations like the ones your recommend, as pre-retirees took the offers and then retired.

  12. Good thoughts from Wilder and commentary from Peter. I read and post a lot here and there on this subject, and this is a little more thought out in terms of 2nd and 3rd order effects. I think people need to consider that the tailspin in civilized behavior is not entirely due to the 13%, and they may not be the biggest problem going forward. Despite the fact that the 13% have been programmed and trained into genocidal views and behaviors toward whites, we might have been able to get by for quite a while by leaving them to the cities and the natural consequences of their own behavior if that was our only problem. The massive illegal alien invasion coming across out borders now is truly the most destabilizing problem we have. These people, many of them of 13% lineage, are arriving without any real ability to add anything to our society and nothing but expectations of being handed wealth from our unlimited supply.

    As we are seeing on a daily basis now, they show up, expect to be welcomed, put their hands out for free stuff, and expect to be housed and cared for for life. This is not possible in the best of times, never mind in the current end of empire collapse we are living through. When they discern that they are being shifted around to lesser accommodations or otherwise cutoff, they become surly and hostile. They are congregating in or being hustled off to these same troubled cities where the local homeless/addict/shiftless "communities" already have their turf staked out and the 13% feel threatened by the competition for free things. The Illegals also bring with them the influence of the drug cartels and their lethal products. The fact that these 3rd world barbarians are bringing with them a whole range of diseases that have long been eliminated in America, and are likely to run amok again is the least of our problems. As the illegals keep coming in more massive numbers, the ability of the posers in Government and the non profits that aid and enable them too control events in an orderly fashion will collapse. There are simply not enough resources, beds, and spare hands to facilitate an immigration invasion on this scale.
    - They will keep coming.
    - The welcome committee will stop posing for the cameras.
    - The new arrivals will continue to be dumped all over the country.
    - They are going to start simply taking whatever they want and killing if need be. I would not put it past some of them to kill the bus driver who tries to dump them somewhere and drive right back into the nearest city.
    This invasion has as much potential to be as violent and destructive for us as the Visigoths and Vandals were to Rome. The 13% , the drug addled, the permanently unemployed and the homeless all have their grievances and triggers too, and it is hard to predict what specific event will touch this all off. The next time white cops kill a black felon or the EBT system crashes certainly could do it, and if they happen in just the right time and place they will. What is different about the invasion is that it is an ongoing and progressive dynamic while the 13% daily dysfunction ebbs and flows.t. I don't know when the illegal invasion tipping point will arrive, but I am betting it will be obvious within the span of just a few weeks at most. When it happens. The free for all will be biblical.
    I'm sorry for the length of this comment, but I will leave off with this, there is precious little time left here and none to be wasted trying to change opinions of those who do not see the danger. It is going to be an ordeal for most of us a it is. There are many things you could be doing right now beyond the usual advise that could make a difference. We should be talking about that.

  13. Terrible choice of examples using German Jews and white Rhodesians. Tiny minorities is respective countries. In no way applicable to USA where white population is still over 65+% "white". Plus you ignore the reality that vast majority of Asians do not associate with or support the behaviors or aims of the Left.
    You also ignore a large percentage of Mexican/Latino migrants-immigrants stand against the Left.

    All I know is way too many whites just jump and run at first sign of 'trouble' & they NEVER hold ground or fight back
    You're afraid to fight now when the odds and environment favor you. Do you think you'll be better positioned in 3 years or 5 years?
    Besides, EVERYONE'S biggest threat is within 5 miles of them. Urban, suburban or rural.

    I can't tell you how many mangey, feral suburban and rural white teens and young millennials I see acting no better than than some ghetto/barrio hoodrat.

    Last...your local small town/rural LEO is not automatically your "friend". They'll support their paymasters just as cravenly as any big city cop. Just recall the story NC Renegade & WRSA 8put out about the N.C. sheriff's gunning down that hapless unarmed guy in the middle of night. Kitted up local yokel Indian reservation SWAT team LARPing as some kinda DEVGRUSEALRANGERMARSOC 'pipehitters' (pfft!).

  14. recently read of a family who established rurally.
    after many years with affable neighbors a group from outside, with money, decided to buy land and build a suburban type neighborhood in order to bring in city people who wanted to get away from city problems but retain jobs.
    the natives told county govt not to approve the plans
    you know what happened and money and corruption talk
    wherever you settle run for county council with the like minded and keep one foot in the outside world in order to sniff the wind for evil

  15. Don't forget that Russia is a hotbed of hackers and cybercrime. If we get further involved in Russia's affairs, they will use their strength to reach out and touch us.

    Hospitals have been unable to provide services due to ransomware. Power and water treatment have been disrupted by cyber attacks. Our financial system and JIT delivery of goods to stores are both vulnerable to cyberattack.

    Can't even pump gas without the grid being up, and it's something that I'm sure the Bear has been planning and wargaming for a while.

    Point is, things don't have to just fail organically here, they can fail due to attack by bad actors. THAT attack is likely to be very sudden, and devastating.


  16. Have just relocated to Small City New Mexico from Denver Colorado (Mordor on the Platte). The range of goods and services is more restricted here, but I had to order a lot of things in Denver too. Denver has been deeply corrupted, and the people who voted for the people who did that are still there, and beyond my advice. I have shaken that particular dust from my sandals.

  17. When the policemen you know start to leave a place, it really is time to sell up and get out with what you can. If you're old and feeble, don't worry about it overmuch. The new world is very much a young person's world and all that access to medicine, doctors, hospitals and such is going to fade away when the electricity stops working. The people in the country are not going to share what little bounty they have with even well armed city folks running from the apocalypse they created and tried to leave behind them.
    You really need to stand your ground.
    You aren't going to live forever anyway.
