Friday, April 7, 2023

It's not up to our leaders. It's up to each of us, and all of us.


Padraig Martin has a trenchant comment on looking to others for our political and national salvation.

One of the reasons so many people love Trump is that he became an accidental hero to an angry electorate ... He came across as a genuine, albeit flawed man ... It is my opinion that Trump was a well-intentioned man who did not know (and likely still does not know) the mechanisms of Washington power. Obama, a purely evil character, was a master at manipulating the levers of power to get his way for eight years, but even Obama had the benefit of two Bush Administrations and eight years of Clinton to lay the groundwork for his globalist vision. Trump lacked the insider knowledge and the support to get things done.

What Trump proves is that Americans who genuinely care about the future of their country desperately want a hero. They hoped Trump was that hero. To many, he always will be a hero. But neither Trump nor anyone else in elected office will ever be a hero. They are just ordinary men within a system that is too great to destroy from within. It cannot be turned around because it feeds on itself. The only way the current system fails is through consuming itself to the point of collapse. A single hero will not make that happen - although Putin seems to be the closest to succeeding.

It is at about this time that Christians will say, "Jesus is my hero!" Whereas I agree with them - Jesus is my hero, too - God selects men to be heroes for His people. Jesus can be the guide, protection, and salvation for that individual, but we know things are so bad right now that we need support on earth ASAP. The fact is, no singular individual will fill that role.

It is time to stop looking for heroes and become one yourself. Heroism requires taking a stand. It requires courage and bravery. It requires moral clarity. Most people on earth lack those qualities. But enough people taking a defiant stand can force change.

Individual sticks are easy to break. When bundled together, however, the sticks become increasingly harder to snap. Eventually, the bundle becomes a weapon - or at least the handle of a weapon, capable of disposing of the systems of government that have betrayed us. Be the stick and find other "sticks."

Set aside your fears. Do not wonder about the status of "Feds" or whatnot. The Feds will do what they want to do. They want you so fearful that you do nothing at all. They want to ensure you never seek out likeminded people and bundle together.

It is not easy to take a principled stand. History is replete with those first principled people imprisoned or killed as a warning to others. Those first individuals are true heroes. Whether they marched at Charlottesville or throughout the Halls of Congress, they took a principled stand and suffered for it. That was the system saying, "We will crush your heroes." A true hero does not allow the system to silence him simply because he was harmed by the system or saw the system's response. A hero will get back out there and fight for that which is right.

Trump cannot do that for you. No-one can do the fighting for you. It has to be you who makes the decision to resist. It has to be you who is determined to make change possible. If you want to right the ship, stop looking for a hero. Become one - then become the bundle.

There's more at the link.  If you aren't following Mr. Martin, you'll find his frequent comments on Gab worth your while, IMHO.

Far too many of us - including, at times, yours truly - fall into the trap of saying, "But there's nothing I can do!  I'm just one of the little people!  I can't wave a magic wand and fix everything - that's beyond anything I can achieve!  Who can I support that will do what I can't?"

Simple answer - nobody.  Any and every politician and leader out there is flawed in one way or another - frequently more than one.  Same goes for every individual in this country (again, including yours truly).  We're all flawed in many ways.  However, if we stand for principles that are sound (for example, in our constitution), and we work together to achieve them, our flaws tend to cancel out each other, so that we become far more effective together than we could ever be separately.

This is what's made the progressive left so effective over the past few decades.  They've coalesced around a set of objectives and pushed hard to make them happen.  They have massive differences of opinion among themselves, but they've put them aside to work towards a common goal - changing the USA out of all recognition, setting aside the principles of our Founding Fathers, and striving towards a new nation made in their image and likeness.

The only way they can be stopped is if enough of us adopt similar tactics and unite around the things we believe in.

If we don't . . . we've already lost.



  1. The stick imagery is unfortunate. It does have a historical pedigree going back to Rome.

    But in modern times, it is associated with fascism. (Latin "fasces" = bundle of sticks.) Mussolini made it the symbol of his party and government.

    It also is not realistic for us today. It is always either too early or too late to take on the enemies of freedom in violent conflict. They will always pick off some of us in the skirmishes. And they have tanks and, as Creepy Joe reminds us, nukes.

    It gets more complicated when significant numbers on their side defect to our side.

    But a more realistic image is we are a group of unarmed citizens confronted by a mass shooter. The only chance we have is to rush him, the more of us at the same time the better. But he will still shoot several of us dead. We are not unbreakable like a bundle of sticks.

  2. I agree with both the posted article and your statement. The arch that played out during Jesus' Ministry was quite revealing.
    Mankind saw the Savior as someone who would destroy their enemies and return their nation to greatness.
    Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for us)
    God had much bigger plans.
    And yes, we face Horrors today, Evil incarnate with the full support and backing of our own Government and the power and governments around the world.
    I support President Trump for two reasons, First he Loves this country as Founded (not the one that our government wishes to build on the ashes of our former Republic).
    And secondly is the fact that his very existence causes Leftist to go into fits of rage.

    Yet we must remember this, Jesus has already won, and by extension we have as well.
    He called us to repentance and Salvation and to share in the Gloy as True Children of God.
    But we have a responsibility for such freedom,
    We MUST stand up for what is right, protect the innocent, Expose and DO NOT TOLERATE such Evil.
    Convict the Evil or we encourage MORE.
    Two reasons we should stand up and say NO MORE,
    First is that Jesus has already defeated Death, if we stand with Him, Nothing and No One can stand against us.
    Secondly, there are MANY more of us than there are of them.
    Habakkuk’s Complaint
    How long, Lord, must I call for help,
    but you do not listen?
    Or cry out to you, “Violence!”
    but you do not save?
    Why do you make me look at injustice?
    Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?
    Destruction and violence are before me;
    there is strife, and conflict abounds.
    Therefore the law is paralyzed,
    and justice never prevails.
    The wicked hem in the righteous,
    so that justice is perverted.

    The Lord’s Answer
    “Look at the nations and watch—
    and be utterly amazed.
    For I am going to do something in your days
    that you would not believe,
    even if you were told."

    MSG Grumpy

  3. Fasces accurately illistrates the left today

  4. No one wants to be a modern day John Brown. As badly as it needs to happen Should a group stand up against the fedgov tyranny in a blue state or city, well you have no hope of popular support. In red states and cities there is not much reason to rise up yet. Tyranny needs to be addressed but we all still have too much to lose and lets be honest. How many of us, me included, ran to DC to protest the unlawful imprisonment of our fellow Americans??
    I don’t know what galvanizing moment it will take for unification and action but it’s not here yet.

    Jim from down the Bayou

  5. J6 shows organized events to be suspect. No state government is in open defiance of federal. Desantis is getting some press, but his opposition to Trump makes him highly suspect. State and Federal governments as well as the press are suborned. Our debt is 1.5 times our GDP and a 17% of GDP is Govt spending and 18% is healthcare, i.e. none of these are productive and not available to pay back the debt. Our entire population has been sold into debt slavery. That which can't continue won't-so the dollar is on the way to crashing. Like an alcoholic, we have to hit rock bottom before we will change. I think the floor is in sight.

    I think many people are waiting for the balloon to go up and then its Wild West time. We are all cowed into not taking individual action nor group action. The Govt will persecute the individual and groups are all suspect. So we wait for the chaos to start.

    Will Christians finally stand up in such a situation and begin to lead again? Too long we've worried about being nice rather than standing against evil. How to take control once the wheels have come off? That's the problem we currently face.

    Begin thinking of the aftermath-what have we learned? Christians must speak up in defense of themselves and this nation needs to be a Christian nation again as the founders knew it. We must urge the best of us to be politically active and we must apply term limits (Don't give the temptation time to wear a man down). We must limit the government financially. No central bank, no national debt, and elimination of fiat currency. Etcetera. Rural America is going to have to unite and bring the Urban leftists to heel, including withholding food and electricity. We've taken a rich country and spent it poor. It is time for the mentality that built this country to reassert itself.

  6. I'm a kneeler at the "Church of Claire Wolfe"

  7. Excellent article. I definitely agree, Peter.
