Friday, April 7, 2023

The real and growing danger of mRNA vaccines in our food


Twice this year so far we've mentioned plans to include mRNA vaccines in the food we eat, thereby removing the element of choice to be vaccinated or not.  Now Chinese scientists have made another "advance" in the field.  Dr. Peter McCullough reports:

Chinese Load Cow's Milk with mRNA Exosomes--Successfully Immunize Mice

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault Possible Through Food Supply

. . .

From a scientific perspective, these experimental steps taken by the Chinese were a stunning success. However, given the damage mRNA vaccines have generated in terms of injuries, disabilities, and deaths, these data raise considerable ethical issues. The COVID States project has shown that 25% of Americans were successful in remaining unvaccinated. This group would have strong objections to mRNA in the food supply, particularly if it was done surreptitiously or with minimal labelling/warnings. Children could be targeted with easily administered oral vaccine dosing or potentially get mRNA through milk at school lunches and other unsupervised meals.

For those who have taken one of the COVID-19 vaccines, having milk vaccines as an EUA offering would allow even more loading of the body with synthetic mRNA which has been proven resistant to ribonucleases and may reside permanently in the human body.

These observations lead me to conclude that mRNA technology has just entered a whole much darker phase of development. Expect more research on and resistance to mRNA in our food supply. The Chinese have just taken the first of what will probably be many more dangerous steps for the world.

There's more at the link.

I can't emphasize too strongly how dangerous this development might be.  We've seen the appalling statistics from VAERS about how many adverse reactions there have been to COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations, even when there's an element of choice involved.  Remove that element, and this technology can be foisted upon any and all of us without so much as a "by your leave".  If we want to eat, we'll be forced to take the vaccine in and with and as part of our food.  If the powers that be have their way, we won't even realize it's there . . . until our health, too, reveals its side effects.

This is a statist's wet dream - and a potential health nightmare.  We should redouble our efforts to make manufacturers provide information about any such vaccine inclusion in the nutritional information for their product(s).  At least, that way, we'll have a choice - such as it is.



  1. How do you control dosage? If it's in the milk, one would be continually imbibing the poison. These scientists are really rogues who hate humanity. God help us!

  2. Remember last year or year before mRNA Vax was proposed for lettuce...

    Fortunately, some states are taking legislative action to ban this in their state's food supply.

    Also, this reiterates why growing your own food and being self-sufficient nowadays rebellion.

  3. I will either shun dairy altogether, buy whole milk directly from local sources, or get my own damn cow.

    I will NEVER consume the globalist's poison.

  4. How could they possibly make this work when the vaccine has to be kept at subzero temperatures? This is just scientismists grifting off of grants, surely.

  5. Some weeks ago, just after the WEF Conference in Davos, a poster on some site that I visit claimed that there was a now "diappeared" video interview of a participant who said the quiet part outloud. The claim was that the mRNA shots were developed to reduce population.

    If one does not know that mRNA is in their food or even if they do know, th÷y might not know the actual purpose for it. If mRNA is designed to "cure" a disease but have side effects that help "reduce population", it would be the dream of a statist and/or totalitarian. And right now, China would probably love to see its population reduced.

  6. In the C-1984 scam, I used to rank greed, power lust and incompetence as motives way above genocidal intentions. I'm not so sure anymore.

  7. It is true...the Lord works in mysterious ways!
    I'll never forget the biggest revelation by the group that conducted 9/11 investigation. (Probably not right name for them. Think commission or some such.). As I recall one finding was that the tradgedy occured because of a "failure of imagination". Take that in. I am so tired of getting a dull eyed cud chewing stare and related negative judgement that I rarely speak to the possibilities any more. Mind you I have always reviewed my thoughts for plausibility first. No wild eyed contrails shrieking here. That said, the Chinese started their war with the U.S. in ernest many moons ago. Fold ghat into any theories that may pop up and the accept button will go off much more often.

  8. Trouble is, once it is introduced into the food chain, its everywhere. How will the statists keep from being poisoned themselves? Having two separate food chains is not possible, long term. They'd be killing themselves and their children along with us.

  9. Isn't Iowa State two years into a study to show how wonderfully healthy cattle will be as a result of receiving automatic injections of mRNA?

  10. Get you a milk cow, quick like!

  11. They intend to poison/kill us by any means necessary.
    And they aren't even trying to hide what they're doing.
