Monday, April 24, 2023

Telling it like it is


The Good Citizen is an iconoclastic, acerbic, insightful commenter on the follies and foibles of modern society.  In his most recent column, he tackles the issue of race and racism in America, and makes some pungent observations.  It's far too long to embed here, but I've selected a few choice excerpts.

How did we arrive at this world where everything is racist?

And if everything is racist, then nothing is racist, and the word has no meaning, which would mean we’ve truly arrived at a colorblind society.

Why is this affliction, this sick obsession with race and racism mostly isolated to the United States?

Cui Bono?

. . .

After the Occupy Wall Street movement was infiltrated and decimated from within ... anger at the bankers and speculators and real owners of the country who engineered the global financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent recession did not subside ... So they turned to the one guaranteed psyop to create confusion, maximize division, and take the heat off themselves—racial division.

. . .

For the first time, the terms White Privilege, Whiteness, Systemic Racism, and Discrimination magically found legs and devotees outside the comedic lecture auditoriums of Race Marxists. Magically, the narrative shifted overnight to take the heat off the criminal class.

Gradually and then suddenly whiteness became a crime, if not a felony, a way of being in the world that was responsible for every non-white person’s problems. As with affirmative action, non-whites who put family and education first also had to be sacrificed in the name of equity. Asians suffered the most, in hiring and university admissions, and both races still pay the price today.

Whiteness was responsible for historical sins that needed repairing, in the only way a subservient underclass shucking and jiving on the Democrat plantation for sixty years have been habituated to understand absolution—with money and handouts and a shove to the front of the line.

. . .

No racism needs evidence or proof, and yet the accusation will stand because we are all guilty until proven innocent through the self-debasing repentant embrace of anti-racism; through blood guilt, historical guilt, associative guilt, even a guilty conscience, all of which can only be absolved in the same way—by giving the oppressed victims more money and removing all obstacles to obtainment, namely hard work, merit, and achievement.

Racism is now everywhere. Math is racist. White inventions are racist. Algebra is racist. Testing is racist. Police are racist. Every institution that wasn’t created or founded by and for black people, is racist, oppressive, and keeps black people from realizing their true potential.

. . .

In a world of illusions where truth is subverted or inverted this anti-white grift now passes for acceptable public “discourse” on television, in corporate board rooms or H.R. departments, at school board meetings, on Facebook, in the columns of coastal media monopolies, in television commercial casting rooms, and at university tenure committees.

. . .

We are now supposed to believe that white-on-black crime is endemic, a total and complete statistical inversion of reality by a double-digit factor.

. . .

The media’s role in this race war psyop is no different than in any other psyop—push the official narrative, even if it defies all statistical evidence, even if it’s the most preposterous bunch of shit that no rational humans could possibly believe and ignore all the counter facts.

. . .

They need black people so far from the truth that they don’t dare ever consider leaving their Democrat-run Globopsycho plantation.

Because people who see the truth can never be enslaved.

But their greatest coup hasn’t been keeping the truth from the black community, and getting them to blame everyone else for their problems so that they can never even begin the process of healing and rebuilding.

It’s been getting corporations, government institutions, public schools, professional sports leagues, the entire entertainment industry, and millions of brainwashed white liberals with a savior complex to help keep them mentally enslaved and careening toward cultural self-destruction.

There's much more at the link.  It's well worth reading in full.

When you read news headlines about reparations, and the insane amounts being bandied about by their proponents, look at them in the light of The Good Citizen's perspective.  They're nothing more than the promise of unlimited freebies to one section of the population, at the expense of every other section.  They're an incentive to vote the way they're told, because if they do, they'll be rewarded with all that lovely money that they haven't earned and don't deserve.  It's nothing more than a bribe . . . and, sadly, it's working.

As far as I'm aware, no person living in the United States today was a slave, or the son or daughter of a slave, or the grandson or granddaughter for that matter - so why should they receive reparations for slavery?  As far as I'm aware, no-one born in the USA and living today has ever owned a slave - so why should they be forced to pay reparations for slavery to others?

It's merely the latest con game being practiced upon us by the moonbats of the progressive left, and should be rejected with the contempt it - and they - deserve.  Sadly, a lot of people have been taken in by their propaganda, and don't see it that way.

Think about that in the light of Tucker Carlson's comments last Friday, as noted in the preceding postThat's what he's talking about - the deliberate destruction of America through lies, deceit and fraud.  Race and racism are merely pawns in the hands of those wanting to achieve that.



  1. Not to mention that STDs are rampant in black communities. Make of that what you will, but their current push for resegregation will get no argument from me.

  2. Things got this way because of the take over of education by the Frankfurt school, They finished their long march through the institutions and are in the middle of their second or third lap. Where the colleges have been long compromised, those graduating now have been subject to gas-lighting and brainwashing since preschool by the most enthusiastically dumb and compliant of the "good" students- teachers. You CANNOT expect to hire people who are academically successful and not fully infected by this evil bullshit. The kind of droning mind that is happy to sit through Any school is as happy to soak up the commie claptrap as any of the other stuff they've been taught. There are always exceptions but the number grows even more vanishingly small every year, small enough to be insignificant. Don't Hire College People!

  3. The 'lack' of a description of the perps in any article is now a dead giveaway... Some of the people who 'escaped' from various African countries in the last 20 years could have been slaves...just sayin...

    1. Clive Bundy said a thing very similar to what Old NFO said. No matter that it is the unadorned truth, it raised the ire, even a furor, of a lot of people.

  4. Thanks for linking to this article. The Good Citizen seems to have many relevant thoughts and observations, well presented.
    I have added him to my reading list.
    John in Indy

  5. "How did we arrive at this world where everything is racist?"

    Barrack... Hussein... Obama...

  6. "Not to mention that STDs are rampant in black communities."

    When one of your main priorities is immediate gratification, that's what happens.

  7. In Atlanta blacks are 33% of the population, hispanic 10%, Asian 6%, and 46% white. Most of the violent crime comes from the black population and the drunk driving from the hispanic. I need to get out.

  8. There are currently slaves in America, and slave owners. (I'm not arguing the point you made, or the words you used to make it, but for clarity's sake, there are no slaves that were the victims of the pre-civil war southerners, and no living people who participated in that system.)

    There are 10s of thousands of people who are illegally in the country that are in fact slaves. Cops found a stash house about 2 miles from my house a few years ago, where the men were forced to do day labor and the women forced to prostitute themselves when they weren't locked in the house. There was another in south Houston more recently. There are massage parlors and restaurants staffed by slaves to the cartels and the triads.

    There are even occasionally black people from Africa who are found to be slaves in the US- one such was kept to provide cleaning and child care for a Dr and his wife here in Houston not too long ago.

    No one is marching in the street demanding they be set free or that they receive reparations. These slaves are too useful, being actually here, and working to do things people want.

    The slavery that the yammering masses object to is now safely a century and a half in the past. The current slavery got a new name* and it's too useful to get rid of it.


    *The trade is called 'human trafficking'--"the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation."


    "Definition: Human trafficking is the practice of exploiting adults and children for use as commodities, or objects, in conditions of sexual and labor servitude.

    Also known as “modern slavery,” human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings through recruitment or abduction by means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of forced labor, debt bondage or sexual exploitation."

  9. If we are going to talk reparations, my father's side of the family from both his parents are Native American, where's my reparations? How about all of the Mexicans who lost their land in the wars from 1835 to 1848? Get your DNA checked, remember one drop of blood makes you black and adds you to the gravy train.

  10. Plenty of Cherokee, Choctaw and other S.E. tribes held slaves....some even took them with them on the Trail of Tears when deported to "Indian Territory"
    Don't forget Cherokees served in CSA and at least one was a CSA General
