Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Unmasking the transgender movement and those behind it


In the aftermath of the Nashville Christian school shooting, a great deal of attention has been paid to the possible motivation of the transgender perpetrator.  The FBI and/or other authorities aren't helping by refusing to publish the shooter's manifesto, which is allegedly "astronomically dangerous" and "a blueprint on total destruction".  In the absence of the facts, we can only speculate - and such speculation is, I suggest, more dangerous than the truth, because there's no way to check or verify it.

However, in the aftermath of the Nashville tragedy, a number of "deep background" articles have sought to analyze the entire transgender movement.  They've produced some very useful information, and I think deserve our attention.  I'm not going to quote at length from any of them, because there's far too much detail to summarize in a brief blog article.  Nevertheless, I highly recommend that you read these articles for yourself.  They're worth your time.

1.  Queer theory indoctrination is directly responsible for Nashville tragedy

"Queer theory — and the transgender ideology that is part of it — is essentially just one segment of critical theory, aimed at deconstructing those truths by assaulting the objective definitions of man, woman, child, marriage, sex, gender, etc. Though it may sound hyperbolic to some, queer theory’s ultimate — albeit camouflaged — purpose is to spark a neo-Marxist revolution by destroying our prevailing notions and institutions; by destroying the American family, and by turning transgender and “nonbinary” youth into violent revolutionaries."

2.  Billionaire perverts behind the trans agenda

"... transgenderism is a top down ‘ideology’ with close links to the transhumanist movement and megamoney-backed initiatives which can be traced back to early 2000s Silicon Valley scientists. Investigative journalist and feminist Jennifer Bilek has has located its genesis in two leading American transhumanists – William Bainbridge and the fabulously wealthy lawyer and bio-tech entrepreneur, Martine Rothblatt, a transwoman who had sex reassignment surgery in 1994."

"The tranny/janny comparison has been made many times before. But aside from the truly excellent wordplay at its heart, most people only compare trannissaries to janissaries because both are “shock troops” for a formidable regime. For instance, here’s the excellent American Greatness:

If it wasn’t already clear, the shooter in Nashville was a Janissary, a demented footsoldier of an evil, totalitarian ideology that wishes to remake the world in its demonic image.

But in fact, this is far more than some simple joke."

4.  Welcome To The Great Spiritual War Of Our Time

"The side of evil should now be obvious to everyone. The perverts, pedophiles, abortion fanatics, and Chinese communist party officials are all on the same grotesque side. It’s the side of the woke and the queer theorists ... The Rainbow Jihad is not an accidental coalition of political groups and cultural forces. There’s a common unity between these people — and the unity is their shared hatred of God. That’s why this evil movement seems to be communist and sexually perverted and Satanic all at the same time."

The fourth article is of particular interest to me, because - as a Christian and a pastor - I firmly believe that the whole transgender debacle is yet another front in the eternal, ongoing spiritual warfare between good and evil.  However, even if you don't believe in God or the spiritual world, the first three articles are enough to make the point.  We're fighting a fundamentally evil philosophy here, one that denies facts and truth and imposes falsehood and lies.  At its heart, that's the core of transgenderism.

I have no problem working with transgender people to help them deal with the psychological and/or psychiatric problems that have led them into this abyss.  I also understand and accept that there are a few people - vanishingly few:  far less than 1% of the population - who are what's described as "intersex".  They can genuinely describe themselves as "neither fish nor fowl", and have immense problems dealing with their gender, sexuality, etc.  For them I have nothing but sympathy.  However, for 99% of those who claim that they're transgendered, I'm afraid that we do them no service by pretending to go along with their delusions.  They need help with their psychological/psychiatric issues, but not help to alter their bodies to conform to their delusions.

As for those who want to divorce "gender" from "sex":  nonsense!  In all of recorded history, we have seen no such dichotomy in medicine, philosophy, theology or any other discipline.  It's a wholly recent phenomenon, driven by political correctness (see the articles linked above for details).  When it comes to one's sex, the chromosomes have it:  XX or XY (with, as noted, a very, very few "intersex" exceptions to that rule).  That reality trumps any desire to be something different.  We are what our chromosomes say we are, and our gender follows our sex.  We may feel differently, but the facts don't correspond to our feelings.  To pretend otherwise is to live a lie;  to accommodate those living a lie is to give countenance to that lie, and abandon the truth.  Unless and until medical science - not medical wishful thinking, not political correctness, but hard, measurable, verifiable scientific fact - can demonstrate otherwise, that's where the matter rests.



  1. “Wishful thinking” is not a good foundation for living a successful life. I had at least one relationship end because someone felt that their feelings were more important than factual reality.

  2. The word "gender" should only ever be used when discussing grammar. No good can come from conceding the bizarre claim that people have gender as something separate from their sex.

  3. Evermore do I realize we are living in the world of Harrison Bergeron.

  4. Pritzker family is also backing:

  5. I know true intersex and non-sexual (not quite the same thing but almost) people and they tend to be, after the age of 25 or 30, fine with what they are.

    But this mental illness often pushed by a warped Munchausen's by Proxy-afflicted parent or other authority figure is just sick. And has a 3 in 10 chance, or more, of resulting in the mentally-ill person self-slabbing, and a 2 in 10 chance of acting out violently.

    We need to treat the people who are pushing the mentally disturbed/confused/ill to go trans with heavy metal injections. At speed. Save the mental person, save society. But we can't and won't. So we will have to attack it with all the facts like what broke the 'childhood abuse' scandals and 'past-life regression' scandals and 'satanic children' scandals.

    1. Munchausen! You say that is a (not necessarily 'the') driving force in this mess. I have experience with these people; they are dangerous. What's more is that some of them are genius level intelligent. Add in charismatic and full measure of ruthless and we have a big problem. They often can only be identified by an examination/look back on their lives when they are older. They are known to some people in their 'universe' but the prospect of outing then is a good way to be destroyed or killed. Duplicitous doctors will rarely if ever admit they were duped. I am not talking about the type that will inject feces into their child's IV line. That is easier to detect and interdict. I'm talking about the type that can convince a team of doctors and specialists that their diagnosis is wrong and get them to pursue alternate treatments. This I have witnessed first hand. These people I expect will not be able to resist being drawn to the transgender arena.

  6. The last time this evil was put down, it was Germany in the 1930's

  7. Wow. I agree, number four is scary. I am seeing articles claiming that transgenderism is the last stage of all great societies before they implode.

  8. Evil sickness (mental). Tired of hearing about them but you have to pay attention unfortunately.

  9. I just got done reading "The Return of the Gods" by Jonathan Cahn which describes what you are talking about in great detail. In fact it is rather scary. ----ken

  10. It used to be that Sex and Gender were synonymous.
    Then the Left insisted they were different, that sex was biological, and that Gender was a spectrum, then fluid, then exploded it into 57+ different pieces (And also, it was a social construct).
    And now the left is trying to use the terms interchangeably again, but with their new definition for Gender.
