Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The root of transgender fanaticism?


David Cole offers his thoughts.

The core belief of trannyists is that children are born genderless. Doctors make a guess—they “assign” a gender—and until kids “discover” their true gender (i.e., until an adult leads them to it), they’ll be condemned to a life of misery and suicide.

This game runs on the Scientology engine. Hubbard’s the template: We’re all born with “thetans” inside us, and that’s why we’re unhappy. But Scientologists can pry the thetans out (for a fee). And then we’ll be blissful!

Now, there was another mania that used the Scientology template, and by studying that mania, we can answer the question about women and trannyism: the 1980s child molestation panic (and the adjacent Satanic ritual abuse panic).

For most Americans today, that period is either a distant memory or something that happened before their birth. At best, people know the vague details. There was a mass psychosis in the ’80s and early ’90s that led to teachers and day-care workers being falsely charged with outlandish molestation crimes including sacrificing children to Satan and raping babies on altars.

The molestation/abuse panic was rooted in a “truth” that mirrors trannyism almost exactly. Your unhappiness is caused by the fact that you were molested as a child. This is cart/horse stuff. It’s not “I was molested therefore I’m unhappy,” it’s “I feel unhappy therefore I was molested.” Children who acted up or out, who seemed distressed, sad, distracted, or who did poorly in school, must therefore be molestation victims. And it was up to child psychologists, therapists, and behavioral experts to extract the memories of that abuse.

As in trannyism, the mania was built around the “discovery” of (and blind belief in) a false principle.

The trannyism craze: “An unhappy kid indicates a kid who was assigned the wrong gender at birth and I must suss out their true gender in order to save them.”

The molestation craze: “An unhappy kid indicates a kid who was molested and I must suss out the molestation in order to save them.”

Here’s where the trannyism and molestation crazes deviate from the Scientology template: Scientology is all about money. Trannyism and molestation mania are/were largely about mindless do-goodism.

. . .

But there was a problem, and this is why the molestation panic flamed out within a decade while the tranny craze won’t: The molestation panic pitted two female-dominated professions against each other. Child psychologists/behaviorists vs. elementary school teachers and day-care workers (80 percent female professions). Of the innocent people arrested in 1980s/90s molestation panics, most were teachers/day-care workers, and many were women.

Drove the teachers’ union crazy! If you read articles from that era, the teachers—collapsing under an onslaught of accusations and witch trials—sound like parents today complaining about tranny propaganda. “The kids are being brainwashed! Just because they say something’s ‘their truth’ doesn’t mean it’s true! The kids are falling for a fad; their friends say they’ve been molested, so they do too! The media’s feeding the frenzy! The kids are confused; it’s the job of adults to correct them, not indulge them!”

The tranny craze will go on much longer because this time, the teachers and the child psychologists/behaviorists are on the same side, united against parents. Teachers and shrinks (predominantly women) sussing out the “secret gender” of kids (to save them! To free them!) as parents and families pay the price, everyone having conveniently forgotten that just 35 years ago the shrinks were the ones doing the sussing and the teachers were the ones paying the price.

. . .

Male trannies are easy to figure out: They’re typically autogynephiliacs. With them it’s sexual. But it’s not sexual with the female advocates. They see themselves as rescuers of children, just as they did during the molestation panic. That makes them more dangerous ... The women possess a savior complex. Fanatics convinced they’re saving the lives of children are damn difficult to defeat.

There's more at the link.

I don't know enough about the "Satanic panic" that began in the 1980's to comment on the parallels Cole draws;  I wasn't in the USA at the time, and was cut off from a lot of the hype and hysteria about it.  Nevertheless, it's easy enough to confirm that many of the most dogmatic, intolerant and over-the-top pro-transgender voices are those of women.  One only has to look at who's saying what about the phenomenon to understand that.  There's also a clear indication that support for transgenderism is fundamentally emotional rather than intellectual.  There's no rhyme, reason or logic to it;  it's all about feelings, as this well-known tweet demonstrated a year or two back.  The response is a perfect illustration of that reality.

Ignore facts;  ignore medical science;  just make a claim and repeat it ad nauseam, drowning out the voice of anyone who tries to disagree.  I see a lot of that in the transgender field, just as I've seen it in the race field, and the progressive politics field, and the criminal corrections field, and many others.  Whenever emotions dominate, fact and reason tend to fall by the wayside - usually with disastrous results.

That's not to say that all women are dominated by emotion, of course:  that would be ridiculous.  Men can be just as emotional about causes that are important to them.  However, in the transgender field in particular, it appears that women activists far outnumber men;  and it appears that emotions dominate and override intellectual discourse.  That's my personal impression, anyway, based on what I see in the news and social media.

There's one inevitable conclusion that I believe must result from all this brouhaha.  Transgender activists, transgender fanatics, appear to be fundamentally dangerous.  Having abandoned logic and reason and adopted emotional overload as their preferred approach, they'll shout down - even physically assault - anyone who disagrees with them.  The school shooting in Nashville two weeks ago appears to be another (extreme) reflection of that same instability, despite attempts by the news media and pro-transgender pressure groups to deny that or turn attention away from it.  Therefore, those of us who encounter such extremists should be prepared for such danger from them, and be ready to defend ourselves against them if necessary.  That's the reality of our present situation.  There's no other safe alternative.

Tucker Carlson appears to agree.

This is a group that has for years been committing acts of violence at rates much higher than you would expect across a cross-section of the population. To give a few examples, last year, a trans girl tried to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh at his home. Then a self-described nonbinary shooter, also a member of the cult, murdered five people at her Colorado nightclub. In 2019, a trans teenager shot nine people in a high school, killing one, that was in Denver. In 2018, a mentally ill transgenderist shot up a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland. That massacre killed four.

So you can see where this is going, and you shouldn't be surprised by it. Mental illness leads to violence. This is a species of mental illness and there's no mental illness greater than the delusion that you are God. And that's exactly what this cult teaches its adherents, you are God, you can change nature with your will. ---- Now with the endorsement of the Biden administration, the terrorism that is the inevitable result of this belief system is accelerating. Police just arrested a man called William Whitworth, he's a transgenderist that uses the name Lily in the state of Colorado, apparently had a kill list and a manifesto. He was planning to attack three schools and churches and apparently some talk show host, too. So it would be nice to see this manifesto or the kill list, but of course, you can't see it because the authorities are, as they have in Nashville, hiding it. Now, why are they hiding it? Because they have to. When your religious views violate the unyielding laws of nature itself, you have no choice but to hide things. You have to. Deception is mandatory, and it will soon be reflected in the law. That is already happening in Canada, which is in some sense the new California. If you want to know our future, look north, not west. In Canada, transgenderism will soon be the justification for suspending all freedom of speech. A new law will ban speech that offends transgenderist near drag performances. So you can't complain.

So here's a rule of thumb that is worth tacking on your refrigerator because it explains so much. If the people who claim to be victims are working to oppress you, they're not actually victims. They are oppressors. And once again, with this cult specifically, that is inevitable. Because at its core is a provable lie, defied and revealed by the unchanging laws of science. We do not have the power to change our sex. It is in our DNA. It is in our bone structure. You dig up a fossilized skeleton thousands of years later, and you can tell its sex. We can't change that much as we might want to. Much as we might feel deep sympathy for those who want to, we still can't change it. That is true. And so, of course, they have to criminalize your observing that it's true because that is a challenge to the core of their faith. These are religious extremists on a jihad against the population. And in order to win, they have to force everyone to lie, period.

Again, more at the link.

Andrea Widburg sums up:

... there is no science to support the claim that people are “born in the wrong body.” If the only thing that can align the brain to the body is to receive hugely expensive toxic drugs and mutilating surgeries, the problem isn’t with the body, it’s with the system ... This is pure evil on the part of the leftist activists behind this movement.

More at the link.

What say you, readers?



  1. Fanatics of any stripe respond well to Rule 303

  2. The whole "Satanic panic" thing was otherwise regarded as "Satanic ritual abuse" and it was fantastical stuff. And the biggest perpetrators were the therapists who helped people 'recover' these memories that previously weren't there. This in turn, with what was discovered about the quality of these memories, gave rise to "false memory syndrome" ... and the ones with that were then consequently victims of something that *absolutely* messes with your mind. The therapists have a lot to answer for.

  3. If your reality sucks it generally does so because you suck. You didn't put in the effort to learn, make social connections and succeed like most people used to do. You were lazy and wanted an easy life handed to you on a platter. If that doesn't happen than you have to find something outside of you to blame. You blame reality. The reality that you are a second class useless less than successful waste of skin. Leftists hate reality because they fail when forced to exist and compete in the real world. So they are doing their best to deny reality and rewrite it. Can't be done but while they are trying to do so they are causing massive damage to society.

  4. I remember the Satanic Panic period pretty well. I wasn't a believer and thought this conspiracy theory was just BS. I thought the same about all conspiracy theories. When the FBI reported that there was no satanic conspiracy of child molestation, I felt vindicated. Fast forward to today, some conspiracy theories have proven true and the FBI is proven untrustworthy. Much of what we're seeing today, especially the trans attack on children and organized child sex abuse, now seems absolutely satanic.

  5. I'll place some of the culpability for this travesty in the hands of the public who fail to demand the truth about the perpetrators.

    The media lies, that's what they do. Some are fabrication lies, most are lies of omission, committed to hide and obfuscate what is actually occurring.

    Joe Schmucatelli can wear a dress and "identify" as a woman, or for all that it matters, a dog, a skyscraper or a pickup truck; he's still biologically a human male, and the converse it true for biological human females who pretend to be "men"; .that the media not only refuse to mention that but also to actively hide the fact is their fault, not the public's, but that the public does not demand the truth lies solely with the public's malfeasance.

    Sally Smith can call herself whatever she wishes, but the lack of accurate identification - "Sally Smith, a human adult male...." missing from the information is something the public can, and should demand. That the public does not is entirely the public's fault and as such, makes "the public" into willing enablers for the lies.

  6. There is no doubt in my mind that these people are mentally ill and cannot be trusted to act in a way that is conducive to a functioning society. The fact that these 'things' are in the highest level of government and making decisions that affect all the rest of us is terrifying to me. I thought I would be dead and gone by the time the insanity became acceptable to the masses but here I am witnessing what the Bible foretold firsthand.

  7. Says a LOT about Scientology......

  8. Here’s where the trannyism and molestation crazes deviate from the Scientology template: Scientology is all about money. Trannyism and molestation mania are/were largely about mindless do-goodism.

    -- the tranny mania makes some people an awful lot of money. Just google "number of transition clinics" and look at some of the graphs for referrals and maps of where the HUGE number of clinics are.

    I believe it is a mania. We go thru them periodically. Satanic music was another. Heck, go all the way back to the Salem witch trials...

    But I have this fear, and I have to ask the question-- "what if it's real? What if something in the environment changed and it's a REAL phenomenon?" Remember the panic over the hermaphrodite frogs? Or all the soy in the environment affecting boys negatively? We make disparaging remarks and jokes about 'soy boys', but again, what if it's REAL?

    If anyone is actually looking at that possibility and looking for a cause, I'd like to hear about it.


  9. Don't forget that the whole Trans push is being funded by several very rich people who own large shares of the pharmaceutical companies who make the drugs involved.
    Without these billions of dollars, we wouldn't see nearly the changes and hype.

  10. They did find tunnels under that Florida daycare, that was the genesis of the Satanic ritual abuse. They have never explained why there were tunnels underneath.

  11. Don't forget the last part of this unrestricted panic: progressive mothers who are overjoyed to have a "trans" child to affirm and support. As a variety of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, these (predominantly) mothers get adulation and affirmation themselves for "raising a genderless baby" or identifying their toddler as "trans", long before the teachers or child psychologists get a crack at the child.

  12. I don't think there's one root cause. Important events include:

    -the CPUSA's decision (at the Comintern's dirction) back in the 20s that economic class division was probably not going to produce the "necessary" revolution--there were a lot of anticommunists in the labor movement--but that the USA's weakness was race. The CPUSA set out to (if you'll excuse the expression) capitalize on that.

    -the rescue of the Frankfurt school from the Nazis and installing its leaders at the heart of US academia. And the takeover of one of NYC's teachers' unions by communists. That was the real beginning of the long march into academia.

    The schools produced foot soldiers for the long march into the US government which led to the presence of Communists at every level of the Civil Service during FDR's presidency.

    Cole is correct that there was indeed a Satanic ritual abuse hysteria, but as we now know there were indeed conspiracies to cover up large scale child molestation in the 1980s. One of them inhabited the Catholic Church, but there were others. Cole is right that there's a cult like process going on in many sectors; one of them is now medicine.

  13. On Youtube, two channels have been doing a massive public service:

    (1) Benjamin Boyce has done many interviews with detransitioners, people identifying as "trans", and academic observers of this trend in society. Has so far escaped the baleful eye of the censors, probably due to always being scrupulously polite and mild in his choice of words. But make no mistake, he gets his points across with all the clarity in the world.

    (2) Odins Men has been hit hard by YT censorship, so now he will start a video on YT but reserve the uncut version for Rumble. Has the world's best stunned stone-faced expression, but does not mince words when commenting on the creeps, perverts and megalomaniacal nut cases.

  14. I find interesting that they front-loaded genocide...

  15. A little over a year ago a group of girls in junior high all decided they were trans. It got them a lot of attention but when individuality they were treated to the not so nice comments from people outside their peer group all have returned to "normal" as they had jumped on a bandwagon not understanding the ramification of what it really meant. So I have to wonder how many more of the school age children are also doing it for attention?

  16. All "movements" start with a few (3%?), then the next 10% push it into the "institutions", then the next 20% are the missionaries to the general public.

    When the 3% & 10% feel 165 grains of high speed goodness this movement will wither

  17. We are all created in the image of God, and God himself chooses to make us the way we are. I'm pretty sure he knows more about these things than we do, so I defer to him.

  18. The root of transgenderism is mental illness. The root of transgender activism is evil intent.

  19. @Anonymous at 3:15PM: No, I'm afraid that's a cop-out. You may as well say "God chose to make me a murderer" or "God chose to make me a rapist". Quite obviously, those are our own choices, but not divine predestination (although environmental factors such as our own upbringing and the society and culture in which we live have an effect). In the same way, a transsexual may have cause to blame their upbringing, society and culture for part - repeat, PART - of the issue, but ultimately it's their choice as to whether or not to go along with it. Too many people take the cop-out of blaming others, human or divine, or insisting that "they can't go against their nature".

  20. RE: oppressor

    I prefer to think of it as thus;
    A victim must have a villian. Usually the villian is conjured by them who choose to portray themselves as victim.
    To make it more plausible, the villian is chosen from among those who are familiar to the victim. This establishes 'opportunity'; the 'intent' already assigned by the victim. Indeed, intent is foundational to victim status.

    This is entirely passive/aggressive behavior. It is helpful that the victim appears as helpless.
    So powerful are the accusations that even when the true nature of the scheme orchestrated by the so-called victim is discovered, many shall continue to believe.

    A tell of such a 'victim' is the secrecy they maintain, or the changing story line of their past.

  21. A persistent temptation is to ascribe Conspiracy Theories to “other people”, while assuming that our own fears are always rational.

    Yes, there are conspiracies. No, not all fears are unreasonable…. But inflated fears appear to be uncomfortably close to a universal human failing. We (Christians) are specifically warned that: And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

    I agree that not all fears are unreal. Satanists and child-abusers are just as real as any of the other threats. But just as not every pre-school teacher is a child-abuser, not every government idiocy is inevitably going to end in our starvation, conscription or enslavement.

    Conspiracy theories and predictions of doom are based the normal human failing of Confirmation Bias . The more emotionally invested we become in a particular idea, the more predisposed we are to put value on anything that supports it, while ignoring evidence against it.

    Wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes and tyranny all happen. They all suck….. BUT we are better focused on taking responsibility for our own circumstances, than deciding that we are victims. I can’t control world events, but I can control my own attitude.

  22. I was around for the McMartin Preschool fiasco. I think that case was the beginning of the end of the "Satanic Panic" once it was clear there was no 'there' there.

  23. I also remember the 80's. D&D games turned kids into satanist - oh my! Rumors of widespread child abuse, child sacrifice, etc. in the news all the time. Youth pastors would go to schools and give seminars on how rock-n-roll was the devil music and play albums backwards to prove it. I believe Prince actually did put something backwards on one of his albums as a big FU to those guys.

    I remember the "experts" telling us that kids don't lie (every parent KNOWS otherwise). Yet then turn around and present as evidence a young kid testifying that their abuser stuck butcher knives up their butthole. Uh, pretty fricking easy to disprove as there were no wounds visible on the kid, but hey they never lie, do they? How that so-called testimony didn't immediately get tossed out of court I have no idea.

    I saw a lot of similarities between then and the current trans BS long before that article you linked ever came out. Glad others are seeing it now too.

  24. The instant a baby pops out of the womb it takes just a glance to tell if it a boy or a girl, a male of a female, gender one or gender two. Of course, that only applies if the observer is sane. If said observer claims anything other than the above, they are either insane or evil. Nuff said.

  25. That's true for at least 99% of newborns, but there are a few born with ambiguous genitals: boys with XY chromosomes that got too much female hormone from their mother, girls with XX chromosomes that had some other hormonal upset during gestation, and Klinefelter syndrome with XXY chromosomes (males but nonfunctional or barely functional). It must have been possible to look at the chromosomes under a microscope and count the X's and Y's at least since Klinefelter published his findings in 1942, but doctors had and may still have a bad habit of just making a guess, and even attempting to make that guess true with surgery.

    Or worse, there's the one that botched an infant circumcision, and covered that up by removing the rest of the penis and nutsack, forming a fake female organ, and telling the parents that this boy was a girl. Then he published reports over the years about how he'd successfully turned a boy into a girl. That was all self-delusion or lies, because the kid knew he wasn't a girl as soon as he could say the words, was desperately unhappy, found boy's clothes to dress in, and committed suicide in his 20's once he understood what had been done to him and that it couldn't be reversed.

    So there's plenty of evidence of kids that never accept the sex the doctor and their parents assigned to them, when it's contrary to their chromosomes. There are far fewer cases of that when the chromosomes match the assigned sex.

  26. I remember the Satanic Preschool panic well. The accusations ranged from implausible to physically impossible - and juries often convicted for physically impossible "molestation". OTOH, when the defense managed to get and play full tapes of the social workers' interactions with the children, juries quite readily saw how the antisocial workers had planted memories in the children. There's a reason this was happening only with preschools; babies younger than preschool age aren't verbal enough to understand and adopt the antisocial workers' fantasies, while most kindergartners cannot be convinced that make-believe is reality. (Or not until 12 or more years of school brainwashes them into Democrats.)

  27. To markm:
    I knew someone would chime in quickly with the info you provided, that's why I made no mention of that vanishingly small minority. There are always aberrations, freaks of nature, etc, that occur from time-to-time... in literally every lifeform. Those that did survive to adulthood generally led miserable lives. I suppose there are exceptions to that also. Perhaps we'll hear from one.(or someone identifying as a Hermaphrodite) It is indeed a strange world we are passing through.

  28. RE "There was a mass psychosis"

    Alleging they are temporary events, right? Mmmm...

    The official framing of the mass formation (or mass psychosis) "phenomenon" is misleading and wrong in terms of what the whole true reality is. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is "just some temporary occasional" madness by the masses when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with "civilized" people --- read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” .... https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html

    One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the PLANNED Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn't think (after more than 1 year, even 2 years, into this total PLANNED scam!) it's ALL intentionally sinister as he stated in a prior podcast (this makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition).

    In the May of 2022 podcast with James Corbett he stated that "some people tend to overestimate the degree of planning and intentions" (behind the COUNTLESS, VERIFIABLE, FULLY INTENTIONAL, FULLY PLANNED atrocities by the ruling tribe of psychopaths over the last century alone) and see all of it as being PLANNED which Desmet called "an extreme position" ... Sound logical thinking is "extreme" and therefore false and sick in his demented delusional view!

    This all means Desmet is ALSO a member of the masses of lunatics, an ACTIVE CARD-CARRYING MEMBER of mass formation!

    If you're in the US and your employer mandates the toxic/lethal COVID jabs, register to receive a free "Medical Exemption Certificate" at https://drgastonmedicalexemption.com or https://lc.org/exempt
