Monday, April 3, 2023

With friends like these, who needs enemies? - Big Blue City edition


It looks as if the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is taking "woke" to the next level.

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is considering a plan to "decarcerate" jails by citing and releasing anyone with bail at $50,000 or less, city documents show.

. . .

The proposal outlines that it would "Declare the State of mental health services and overcrowding in the Los Angeles County jails a humanitarian crisis, requiring the County to move with all deliberate speed on meaningful solutions; and prioritize decreasing the number of individuals entering the Los Angeles County Jails."

If passed, the local sheriff would be instructed to review its bail thresholds and to cite and release "individuals with aggregate bail amounts set at $50,000 or below." The Los Angeles Superior Court would be directed to "implement the Emergency Bail Schedule that was in place at the height of the COVID pandemic" in an effort to "prioritize increased opportunities for pre-trial release."

. . .

... under the proposal, law enforcement officers would be directed to cite and release suspects accused of illegally carrying a firearm, and those arrested on charges such as domestic violence, possession of child pornography, residential burglary, robbery or assault with a firearm.

There's more at the link.

I have another suggestion for the Board of Supervisors to discuss.  I think that every offender who's released from custody under this new policy should automatically become the responsibility of every member of the Board.  If that offender re-offends, the Board, jointly and severally, should be guilty of precisely the same offense(s) as accessories before the fact, thanks to their failure to protect society by keeping him/her/it behind bars.  That also means that when the offender is sentenced for his/her/its crimes, the members of the Board should face precisely and exactly the same sentence, and be forced to serve it in the same prison as the offender, at the same time.

I think that would sort out the Board's "woke" insanity in short order...



  1. I bet the release after carrying a firearm will only apply to melanistic persuasion.
    Were I to do it, I'm sure I'd be treated differently...

  2. Sigh... Teh stoopid is strong with them, of course, THEY have protection...

  3. Congratulations Peter! You arrived at the same solution as did my 65 yo grandfather after reading his newspaper circa 1955. He didn't own a magic wand, and neither do you or anyone I know.

    Sad state of affairs, my friend, given what is needed most to see your vision become reality is in almost as short in a supply as magic.

  4. Thomas Sowell once said that the most stupid thing we can do is to elect people to make decisions who pay no consequences when they are wrong.

  5. I'm with you up 'til the last sentence. If I may offer an amendment: sentence to be served in a prison in the SE US: GA, AL, FL California to pay all costs, including burial.

    1. A very bad idea. One bad apple spoils the barrel. You propose shipping bad apples to other states. Worse, what you propose is having people locked up for their own criminality to do the work as you intend. A very, very bad idea.

      The Sheriff should tell these muffins where to get off. The Sheriff should arrest the BOS for aiding and abetting, conspiracy, racketeering.

    2. You keep your dogshit on your side of the fence, I'll keep mine on mine.

  6. My perception is that many of those people in jail are mentally ill and they WILL get their meds and counseling when incarcerated. There is an 80% (or higher) percentage that they will go meds noncompliant or skip counseling if they are released.

    To say that incarceration CAUSES mental illness is a reversal of cause-and-effect. Letting them out of jail will not fix their mental illness. Rather, it will slip it off the leash.

  7. The one comforting thought in all this is that the criminals and crazies so released will almost surely not leave the LA area. Why should they? They are guaranteed not to be punished for anything that they do. Which means the inhabitants of LA will have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

    Subotai Bahadur

  8. More Anarcho-Tyranny. The refusal to hold criminals accountable and the
    never ending persecution of any honest citizens who act to defend themselves from criminals. Just one of the many ingredients in the lefts recipe for destroying the USA.

  9. The LASO is corrupt from the top down, and has been for decades.
    The Supervisors merely reflect the mental illness in LA proper: 1-2 semi-sane ones, and at least 3 who are bat-sh*t nuts. For going on 50 years.

    They've made their beds, now they will lie in them.

    And people at large will simply decrease the workload on law enforcement, and overwhelm the coroner's office instead, whenever opportunity presents itself.

    Committees Of Vigilance started in Califrutopia, and their return is becoming inevitable.


    Nothing to see here. Yet.
    But both near-term and eventually, the videos will be epic.

  10. Aaaaaaand...IT'S GONE!
    Thanks for playing.

    And of course this was burped out by Hilda Solis, the L.A. local equivalent of Congressweasel Evita Castro-Guevara.

  11. How convenient to have those COVID emergency bail schedule, and oh wow, wouldn't you know it, we now have a "hEaLtH cRiSiS".

    C19 really was the beta test for communism.

  12. The dems do this purposefully to drive blue voters out to infect other areas. They know they don't have to worry about losing the places they already have because their machines will have them locked down blue for ever through fraud and other crimes.
