Monday, September 11, 2023

9/11: We do not forget


Twenty-two years ago today:

I've never forgotten where I was, and what I was doing, when I first heard the news of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.  I'm sure many of my readers can say the same.

We remember those who were murdered on that day, and those who gave their lives trying to save them.  We remember all those who responded to the tragedy so selflessly, particularly the New York Fire Department, which lost 343 of its members.  Tragically, almost as many firefighters - 341 to date - have since died from 9/11-related illnesses as those who died on the day itself.

Today, when a large part of our own people are trying to destroy the USA and everything it stands for, let's not be afraid to point out that they are as much terrorists, and are doing as much damage to our country, as those who flew the aircraft that attacked us twenty-two years ago.

It's going to take as much effort and sacrifice, if not more, to respond to them today as it did to respond to the terrorists back then.

If that's the way they want it, then so be it.  Whatever it takes.



  1. I remember.
    I was working as an engineer in a railcar wash facility helping with a startup of a bleach system.
    That night and for several days after, Vermont Air National Guard F-16's were screaming down the Champlain Valley headed for NYC to provide air cover.

  2. SIL was downstairs getting coffee when the first plane hit. Security was repeating their 'all-is-well-go-back-to-your-offices' mantra. She and coworker ignored and got the hell out. The second plane hit their offices. She still has trouble talking about it.
    Don't listen to security.

  3. Two things: The people who worked the Pile are dying in droves from the toxins and dust.

    And remember, the fighters scrambled to intercept any airplane that morning were unarmed. The pilots were prepared to ram any hijacked plane.

    So much of that day could be laid at the feet of the Clintons and Gore.

  4. Do you think that the USA has a chance of ending up like South Africa, overrun by the poor neighbors ?

  5. The fighters that were scrambled were chasing ghosts. There was a large exercise going on that morning to train against hijacked planes. The training tapes were left on and there was confusion as to which were real and which were not.

  6. There was a time when I would never have questioned 9/11. I question EVERYTHING now. The whole COVID fiasco showed me that there are people in our own country who will stop at NOTHING, including KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS, to get what they want.

    9/11 question 1: "Why did we go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan when it was already known that the hijackers of those planes were Saudis?" Any other question down the line is superfluous until #1 is answered...

    ...Our country is indeed being destroyed by the very people who have supposedly sworn an oath to do exactly the opposite...

  7. I heard about the first plane on the local news radio station on the drive into work. I dismissed it as I recall the B-25 hitting the Empire State Building. We had TV service where I worked, and we watched the second plane hit. My very liberal co-worker said, 'This means war'. Our son was doing a natatorium exhibition (elementary school) later that afternoon. We were told at the door that the kids haven't heard, and to wait until we returned home to introduce the situation. The kids swam well, so there's that. Lost 3 friends.

  8. @lynn: South Africa hasn't been overrun by poor neighbors. It's been destroyed by its own incompetent, corrupt, nepotistic, criminally stupid leadership.
