Friday, December 29, 2023

Food for thought


Matt Bracken makes a thought-provoking observation.  Clickit to biggit.

Hmmm . . .



  1. I've seen a .22LR shot clear through a 1x4 piece of lumber many times. The hole it makes is quite impressive. And a .22 caliber rifle such as a Marlin Model 60 semi-auto can hold almost as many rounds as a AR-15. If that Model 60 rifle sports a decent scope it can - say it's sighted in at 300 yards - be amazingly accurate.

    Or so I've been told.

    And if that .22LR is a hollow point, it won't be as accurate at that distance, but that poor 1x4 will not fare nearly as well.

    Or so I've been told.

  2. Instead, you could write in candidates for Congress who will stop making welfare payments to people who haven't paid taxes in. Then anyone who enters will need to work for a living.

  3. Voting, ballots, letters to the Senators.

    So very effective... NOT.

    Folks NEED to read the words of the Declaration of Independence.

    I'd say "Again" but most cannot recall a fragment of it.

    SNIP: In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

    Sound familiar?

    Read the original documents that started the Rebellion. ASK yourself WHAT of the 27 complaints we are not under today.

  4. Years ago, I shot a truck tire with a 22 from 3 or 4 feet away, it bounced ALMOST straight back at me. If it had hit me in the face, it would have required doctor level extraction. If it had hit my eye, you could call me dead eye or dead (eyes are soft, brain, easy access). Sometimes, it's better to be lucky than good, and I'm VERY lucky. Since I don't believe in luck, I'll go with blessed.
    Blessed= A squad of Hyper Active, Special Forces, Guardian Angels, THAT blessed.

  5. Q: Why doesn't 'voting to defend liberty' ever work, including in America 2023?

    A: Because most humans are instinctively communist non-player characters (NPCs) whose brains can't think beyond their urges and lusts (Envy! Power! Envy envy envy!!) Rebooting Microsoft Windows repairs none of the bugs, and neither does rebooting America. Please consider patching some of the bugs in political institutions this time before blindly rebooting and wishing the same code will produce different results.

  6. We all know what needs to be done. But nobody wants to be the first to start doing it. The criminal commie left counts on this civilized reluctance. Because they aren't bound by that same inherent reluctance. They only have ONE rule. Win! By whatever means necessary.

  7. Gotta agree with Tree Mike, I'm not sure that twenty-two would get through the sidewall of most tires. Best plan is to do a bit of testing before making it real. Remember PPPPPP (Proper Planning Prevents Pxxx Poor Performance)

    1. I recall reading about the PPPPPP in a book some SAS guy wrote about SCUD hunting behind enemy lines in Iraq during Gulf 1.

  8. As a thought experiment, roofing nails or a box or two of drywall screws tossed under the wheels when the vehicle is stopped (fed rules mandatory driver stop every 2 hours or so) can be effective also.

    Not that I recommend it, because it would be bad and wrong and illegal and immoral and against the wishes of our dear leaders.

    1. Caltrops!
      Galvanized hog fencing is a thick gage welded wire fence. Very stiff, very strong. Comes in 4'x8' panels. Find the one with the smaller holes, it costs more but 3" or 4" is what you want. Get a small bolt cutter, you will need it.
      Cut X's from the fence about 1.5" on each leg. When done get two pair of pliers. Grab both ends of the same wire with the pliers and bend toward you. Turn over so bend is away and grab the other wire at both ends and repeat. Toss it on the floor and one sharp point should point upright and three make a stable base. Adjust your bend until one point is straight up. Make the other wire match that bend. Now do it to the rest.

  9. What Dan said...
    We're all waiting for some triggering event, both sides! They want us to start shooting, so they can go all Mao and confiscate guns from everybody. We're waiting for something like mass gun confiscation, so we can start shooting the bastards with excuse. There was a good article on ZH about it the other day, the goading, same as always through history.
    For whatever reason, we have to feel like we're the good guy defending himself, in order to get biblical on the other side. Likewise, they want to see themselves as the victim.

  10. Imagine a convoy of real Americans with overlapping fields of fire dropping rounds all along the rio grande en force, along with those 22 tire poppers.

    Hypothetically, how wound anyone identify the enemy busses?

    1. Hit EVERY BUS and no amount of money will replace those tires

  11. Point Of Order:

  12. John Ross laid out a pretty spectacular game plan. Politics is local.
