Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saturday Snippet - video, not written, but still criminal


Earlier this week I thanked Greg Ellifritz for choosing my memoir of prison ministry, "Walls, Wire, Bars and Souls", as one of his best reads of 2023.

He says of it:

This [book] is great for providing an understanding of the criminal mindset as described by stories experienced by a prison chaplain.

That's one of the reasons I wrote it, to illustrate what we're dealing with as far as the mindset of professional (?) thugs and criminals goes.  They're a breed apart, and can be very frightening when you run into them for the first time.  Cops, of course, deal with them all the time, as do corrections officers (and prison chaplains) . . . more's the pity.

Yesterday, via MeWe, I came across a link to an 8m.25s. video on Twitter (or X, or whatever it is these days).  It shows in graphic detail what cops have to put up with these days when dealing with hardened criminals.  Note how the perpetrator knows exactly what "politically correct" phrases to say, and when to say them;  how to act out his "feelings" at being unable to breathe;  and how to essentially dare the cops to take stronger action against him, because he knows that if the ever-present cameras catch even one unprofessional incident, he can use it to get out of jail free due to "police brutality".

Is it any wonder that so many cops and corrections officers are leaving their profession?  They can't win.  The pro-criminal, anti-law-and-order crowd have teams of trainers going around our big left-wing cities teaching crooks how to behave so as to score points like that.  They get loud and in-your-face, intimidating the cops and medics, because they know they're bulletproof as far as left-wing, progressive DA's are concerned.

I strongly urge you to take the time to watch that video in full.  Adjust the sound so you can hear what's being said.  Study the histrionics and the careful acting.  It's all a con game, nothing less.  I assure you, I could resolve that man's problems in less than ten seconds if I were allowed to . . . but in this day and age, I won't be allowed to.  Instead, we're all plagued by assholes like that getting out on the street again, and doing precisely the same thing again, and washing, rinsing and repeating ad nauseam.

I rather suspect that as things get worse, more and more criminals are going to be picked up bleeding, possibly shot, rather than held for the arrival of the cops.  They've made it so that the easier option is the deadlier one - and if there are no witnesses to the easier option, so much the better.



  1. Which is why the big cities want CCTV cameras everywhere.

    1. Made by man Defeat by Man.
      It just requires clear unemotional thinking and understanding of the problem.

  2. The somewhat wry comment that I heard when I deployed to the Philippines in the 1980's was that it was cheaper to have someone killed, than beaten.
    Beatings left a witness/victim who could tell a story.
    Killings left nothing. (not even a body, many times)

    We are not at that level (yet).
    But, eventually those types of people make a near-fatal (or fatal) mis-judgement, and then you have the explosive violence that takes over when "Law & Order" (TM) fails.
    I've lived (briefly) in Third World cities. Not all of them bad, but not where I would chose to live either. I hate seeing America turned into the worlds Largest Third World Country.
    This is not going to end the way the Puppet Master's think it will.
    Make everyone a Serf, and every Serf your enemy and things will not turn out well.
    Why do all of the modren day Jacobins forget Robespierre?

  3. Health care providers, especially nurses, have to increasingly deal with these people as well. We live in a relatively small city in upstate NY. My daughter is a nurse in a local hospital. She recently (finally) told me about a real loser who was being treated at the hospital and managed to sexually harass (verbally) her and several other nurses. He may have tried some physical stuff on some of them as well, I'm not sure. Nothing ever happened to him; thanks to NYS abominable bail laws he knew right what he could get away with, and was laughing when the police hauled him out of the hospital after he was treated. My son-in-law is an assistant DA, and had to recuse himself from the case, otherwise he would've been charged with attempted murder if left alone to question the suspect. Thankfully my daughter is a 5th degree black belt in karate - most of the nurses have no self defense training. I'm sure there's worse stories than this but still upsetting. I agree with you that people especially law enforcement are finally going to get fed up with this garbage and take matters into their own hands

  4. Wow. Somebody's going for the Oscar. He won't get it; Shatner at his hammiest couldn't outdo this guy.

    Used to be, the first thing they told you to say to the cops when put under arrest was, "I want a lawyer." Now it's, "I can't breathe!" Doesn't matter if there isn't a cop within five yards of you, scream that you can't breathe.

  5. It's a matter of time now and social media to find out who hates that guy to death and arrange for that person to lay his/her hands on a gun and use it. It's sort of like international relations today where we think we're doing the right thing by arming our adversary's enemies.

  6. Judicial application of a cattle prod would bring about an attitude adjustment.

  7. In a homogeneous, majority English, decent nation, the police and government being afraid of the people/violating the rights thereof, is fine. Excellent even. The solution isn't to allow the police to act like Judge Dredd. The solution is to deport everyone who doesn't belong and refuses to assimilate. Of course that ship sailed a while ago, but the less pleasant alternative (that history exhaustively establishes is inevitable in heterogeneous, multiculti societies) is going to happen anyway.

  8. I hope I'm wrong, but given the porous nature of our excuse for a southern border, I think bad things might happen during the various celebrations tonight.

  9. When there is no law, all offenses are capital offences. YMMV

  10. We could be getting closer and closer to what Francis W. Porretto called "Two Doors".,2,22194-two-doors
