Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A car chase that might as well be a commercial for the vehicle


This car chase video made me laugh.  Considering the punishment taken by the pickup being pursued, from both its driver and the police chasing it, it might as well be a video advertisement for the toughness of the truck!

I'm glad they took that driver off the road, but I daresay he'll be back . . . more's the pity.



  1. A miracle there weren't more wrecks during that chase!

  2. Aaannd he's black. Big surprise.

  3. I guess folks in this city aren’t taught to pull over when they see lights/hear a siren. What the heck

  4. Those darn Amish kids again.

    I have to question the wisdom of that pursuit. I'm sure it was fun for the cops, but did it place more citizens in jeopardy than catching up with the criminal later?

  5. And didja notice the officer witnessed the collision at the end with the jeep, yet never called for an ambulance? That was a pretty big hit. All the officers went for the subject, even though there were plenty of cops arresting and subduing him.. It was only minutes later that some of them bothered to check on the occupant(s) of the jeep.

  6. Looks like a good way to kill a bunch of people that didn't have anything to do with both of those idiots.

  7. It's a good thing I'm not a cop or I'd be in trouble for beating the crap out of idiots like that.

    I'd also be going through the video with the intent of collecting plate numbers and issuing citations for failure to yield.

  8. Just moved to NC from Ohio. NOBODY down here moves over for emergency vehicles. It really stuns me. The erratic driving makes me wonder if they don't have driving tests to get a license down here.

  9. " I'm sure it was fun for the cops,..."

    Bingo! THAT is exactly why they chase cars. That high they get from a chase will last them all day. Public be damned.

    Very few chases are for a valid, citizen safety reason. Hard to outrun a police radio system, especially during daylight.

  10. It's a Dodge.
    If he hadn't wrecked it with that collision the front end would have given out or the transmission made of glass would have eaten itself.

  11. I'd be OK if the cops doing that chase had to drink a bucket of broken glass. They didn't give a shit about anybody else on that road. They could have killed an entire family and it didn't bother them at all.

  12. The officer in the viewpoint car kept trying to bump the suspect into a head-on collision with oncoming traffic. That way they could fly three news helicopters over the crash scene to scare people about the need for more police. If the oncoming traffic victim lived they would be pushed into bankruptcy by medical bills, generating a followup story demanding government-controlled healthcare. Everyone in government who should have stopped this but didn't should be changed with a "depraved indifference" crime. Google finds

    Depraved Indifference Law and Legal Definition

    To constitute depraved indifference, the defendant's conduct must be 'so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy as to warrant the same criminal liability as that which the law imposes upon a person who intentionally causes a crime'. Depraved indifference focuses on the risk created by the defendant's conduct, not the injuries actually resulting.

  13. According to the top of the screen, the guy was wanted in Indiana as a murder suspect. Not justifying their actions, but he wasn't a serial jaywalker they were after.

  14. Notice how many idiots won't get out of the way for the cop? They should all lose their licenses too.

  15. All that, and the K-9 didn’t even get a meal. Feh.

  16. As a retired LEO I would have called that chase off after the first 2 minuets. You should not be endangering everyone else on the road to pursue a guy you'll get later. Radios are faster then his vehicle.

  17. I have a different view on this. Stop driving with the radio on loud and pay attention to your surroundings at all times. Get out of the way of LEOs that are trying to protect you by removing scum from our society. As long as cops will call off the chase, it encourages more people to run. Bring back the days of "Stop or I'll shoot!"

  18. Well, after all, it WAS a "Dodge".
    And it DID get "Ram"med...

    The puns just write themselves.

  19. Attempted murder.
    By each and every cop that predicated that chase.
    Indeed, a radio is faster than any car.
    If you care about the citizens.

  20. The audio at the end says the perp was a wanted murder suspect. Places a bit of context on the critics, huh?

    I'd support a law allowing LEOs to shoot a fleeing driver recklessly endangering the public, including shooting to disable the fleeing vehicle.

    BTW, it's 2024! Why don't the cops have harpoons with radio beacons?

  21. Etaoin,

    Around here it used to be, 'innocent until proven guilty' and there is no doubt in my mind that if police are left to themselves to shoot at 'suspects' a handful of suspects will die and the hospitals will fill with wounded innocent bystanders and the dead will fill our cemeteries.
