Wednesday, May 29, 2024

An effective treatment for bird flu?


Bird flu has been in the news a lot lately, with concerns about how America's poultry production (both eggs and meat) may be devastated if it continues to spread.  There's also speculation that if a strain of bird flu, or H5N1 as it's technically known, adapts to humans, the resulting epidemic could kill thousands.

What puzzles me is the insistence by the medical establishment of pushing "cures" such as Tamiflu or Relenza to treat H5N1.  Yes, they offer some hope, and may alleviate minor doses of the flu:  but there's another option that's been widely used in the Third World for years.  That's chloroquine, as well as its derivative hydroxychloroquine.  You'll doubtless remember their being advocated as a treatment for COVID-19 during the pandemic.  Many, including myself, believe it's because of the existing widespread use of hydroxychloroquine (as a prophylactic medication against malaria infection) and ivermectin (as a treatment for river blindness and other illnesses endemic to the continent) that prevented COVID-19 from gaining a foothold in Africa.  So many potential victims were already dosed with an effective treatment that the disease simply couldn't take root.

Unfortunately, the medical establishment is largely ignoring the fact that chloroquine has been claimed by some researchers to be a highly effective treatment against H5N1.

Yan, et al studied H5N1 infection in the laboratory and demonstrated that physiological relevant concentrations of chloroquine inhibited viral entry and damage to human cells. Additionally, when given as treatment and not prophylaxis, chloroquine reduced pulmonary alveolar infiltrates and improved survival in mice after a lethal dose of H5N1 from zero to 70%.

There's more at the link.

Hydroxychloroquine is freely available in the USA, and ivermectin is becoming more so.  (Here's one source of supply;  I think their price is ridiculously high, but there are others if you shop around, often less expensive.)  If you're worried about the possible crossover of the H5N1 influenza virus to the human population, I strongly suggest that you try to obtain some of each, and keep it in your emergency reserve supplies.  (I'm not being compensated in any way for linking to one supplier;  I'm doing so only because I know readers sometimes have difficulty finding a local source of supply.)

I no longer trust the medical profession to speak the truth about epidemics and illnesses - not after they made such a dog's breakfast out of COVID-19.  I'd rather investigate potential threats myself, obtain what information is available, and prepare accordingly.



  1. I found Hydroxychloroquine Sulphate 200 mg 100 tablets at Farris Labs for $85.00 no script needed. FYI

  2. I'm familiar with two other companies similar to TWC, Jase and Contingency Medical.

    Jase has Ivermectin ($210 for 40x3mg) but not Hydroxychloroquine it does have another antimalarial that may be similar but I don't know (Proguanil).

    Contingency Medical does not seem to have either.

    They are both still prescription medications so not quite "freely available", I don't think fish can get malaria so Thomas Labs doesn't seem to sell either, I'm not aware of any veterinarian use of hydroxychloroquine but ivermectin can be bought with out prescription (for horses and sheep only) on Amazon. I've heard (cough) that it doesn't really taste like apple. I've also "heard" that some companies in India (where most of this stuff is made these days) feel it isn't their job to enforce US prescription requirements and as long as the check clears will ship you whatever you want, whether or not it clears customs is also not their concern however.

  3. Follow the money. Chloroquine & hydroxychloroquine don't offer the bucks that Tamiflu or Relenza do. I forget how many Billions Pfizer earned from Covid, but the financial report I saw quoted noted it was in the Billions. And I'd assume similar stories for the other pharmaceutical companies.

  4. @JNorth: Agreed on the Indian companies. Decent prices, and some of them will even re-ship the package if the first one doesn't make it. I know people have been using them for years.

  5. Yeah... the cost to WHO for those is around 2 cents per pill... the prices your being quoted are highway robbery as per normal.

  6. Peter; I just need to find the email with the company name I used to get the flat packs they had covid, it was one of those plastic and foil jobs with a weeks worth of hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, and a couple other medications, all numbered with what day to take each.

    J; Thank you, ordered and the "order received" and "order shipped" emails were all of 21 minutes apart.

  7. One of the reasons all the hysterical "DON'T TAKE IT!" about hydroxychloroquine is because all the things it's used for(for decades, I believe), including arthritis. Ivermectin... all the 'horse paste' crap when it had been taken by humans for a long time.

    There really needs to be some kind of consequences for the people behind the idiocy

  8. and ivermectin is showing promise in cancer studies...but it's a horse pill...

  9. Here is something I learned a long time ago at a really cool school run by Uncle Sugar. It concerned a previous iteration of "bird flu". I'm not a healthcare person, far from it actually. The presenter was a scientist knowledgeable in these things. He said the "then" bird flu would probably be bad for birds, but maybe not for humans. Here's why: if, over the years (more is better) you have gotten the annual flu shot, or san H5uffered through the flu, you have been exposed to an assortment of "Hs" and "Ns". The H factor allows the virus to pierce the cell membrane to get in, where it multiplies, and the the I factor allows it to get back out to do more mischief. If in your long chronology of flu shots you have had an H5 and/or an N1, your immune system may still recognize these and act against them, reducing symptoms. For consideration by this community; may work, may not.

  10. Re "and ivermectin is showing promise in cancer studies."

    Seems "Vitamin F" (fenbenzadole) is also getting attention for that

  11. It's frustrating to read this sort of thing...
    People STILL DO NOT GET IT!!!!

    Why are you talking about Tamiflu and Prescription 'Vaxxines' to solve a 'bird flu' problem manufactured by the government to institute totalitarian marxist government?

    4 years of Kung Flu lies and BS but you're still lapping it up with a spoon...


    Just like Covid was. The fact that you see the moron's walk around the grocery store today still wearing masks proves to you how effective the propaganda was/is. Not only do these people:

    A- Believe masks work; science, math, the last 3 years and common sense be damned...
    B- Are incapable of believing the government is not benevolent. Apparently they've never heard of Thalomide, Tuskegee, Bay of Pigs, etc...
    C- Cannot grok the concept that PEOPLE SOMETIMES LIE!

    So why are you discussing "The bird flu" as if it isn't just another iteration of the same lying bullshit you already saw once? I mean, really, you've gotta be exceptionally stupid to keep falling for the same tricks.

    You still don't have the proper paradigm for that last round of bullshit, so you're victimized by them repeating it. It's literally the exact same friggin playbook, and everyone is making the same friggin mistakes believing it! THE FDA IS LYING TO YOU, THE CDC IS LYING TO YOU, THE WHO IS LYING TO YOU!!!!

    THESE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM AND REASON WE'RE IN THIS MESS!!!!! STFU and go sit in the corner and let some adults handle this. You're clearly not smart enough to be labeled as such if you can't detect this is all horse-puckey THE SECOND TIME THEY RUN YOU OVER WITH IT!

  12. @Anonymous at 6:56AM: You certainly seem very sure of your facts - but you're flat-out wrong in some of your points. Bird flu is very real; it's been identified - medically and scientifically, not politically - in many US states, and it's led to major poultry losses overseas (as well as some in the USA). It's not a figment of anyone's imagination.

    As to whether or not it's being used to manipulate and mislead people, I agree with you: it IS being used that way, just as COVID-19 was used. We're on the same page.

    However, that doesn't alter the fact that bird flu is real, that it has already affected human beings (albeit in relatively small numbers, so far), and that medical treatments are and will continue to be needed for the foreseeable future. I see no harm in drawing attention to that reality. Whether or not bird flu is being misused for political purposes, sick people still need medication to get over it.

    I respectfully submit that you're like a horse running with blinkers on. You can see one view - straight ahead of you - but you can't see what's to either side. You really need to get an all-round perspective on reality if you want to deal with it.

  13. Irregardless of the gubment pushing their BS as they always have and always will do it's smart to get and keep meds on hand for a variety of reasons. Standard run of the mill flu can be a stone bitch sometimes and Hydroxychloroquine works to shorten the time of symptoms.
    It's a simple case of being prudent IMHO.
    "The prudent mans sees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them,
    the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences"

  14. Tamiflu doesn't really do anything. If it has any effect, it is strictly do to placebo effect. Roche falsified the trial data (and has basically admitted as much) to get this drug approved.

  15. the discoverer of ivermectin won the nobel prize for it and the drug was hailed as the new wonder drug of the future above aspirin or antibiotics even. it comes in liquid form too at 1% solution which can be added to any liquid even beer (but not diet coke. it fizzes up.) it works unless you wait until you're nearly dead to take it. it can be taken monthly as a preventative. i worked at a military school covid petri dish the entire time and never got covid until i quit taking the monthly dose. we averaged 165 cases a day. once i figured out i had it the ivm knocked it out in three days. its criminal that they kept it and hcq from us. btw, india gave out hcq/ivm packs and eradicated covid in a few weeks.

  16. A response to this from Chiefio –

    ”Billy Gates was on film with that evil grin talking about how he’s going to have mRNA “vaccines” for everything and we’re all going to be jabbed up all the time … the better for his profits and all… (He didn’t say that last bit, but it is implied).

    I’ll take NO mRNA based anything. They have already demonstrated that they do not understand what they are doing.

    Will stay in the muscle where injected. FAIL. Found all over the body with concentration in gonads and liver along with circulatory system.

    Will just make antigens to stimulate your immunity. FAIL (Not only do the antigens stay on your cell surfaces so your immune system is trained to attack YOU, but the immunity to the virus is fleeting at best and with Original Antigenic Sin issues).

    Is Safe! BIG FAIL. Mycarditis, cancer increase, immune system depression, clots…

    And Effective! FAIL.

    Does not touch DNA. FAIL. Reverse transcriptase in the liver shown to sometimes turn it into DNA.

    and on and on…

    As far as I am concerned, the HUGE level of adverse events with Covid has demonstrated that mRNA tech is Not Fit For Purpose (at present and for at least a generation).

    On the other side: We’ve lived with Bird Flu for thousands of years Just Fine. Unless the Lab Idiots make a Franken Flu out of it, there’s no new problem.”
