Tuesday, July 2, 2024

And so say all combat veterans, cops, firefighters and paramedics!


Found on MeWe:

(Presumably referring to this study.)

And all of us who've "been up the sharp end" in our joint and several ways nod our heads in agreement, and say (loudly, with feeling, in well-lubricated chorus):

Of course it is!  You don't think we'd have been there without being demented, do you?




Anonymous said...

In economics, that would be known as a "trailing" indicator.

Anonymous said...

While I'm not a cop, paramedic, or soldier, I'm of the opinion that in this day and age anyway who doesn't at least understand dark humor is the one with problems!

Hamsterman said...

Perhaps your next meme page can include the picture of Joseph Stalin with his quote:

Dark humor is like food. Not everybody gets it.

Rick in MT said...

Not a cop, paramedic, or soldier either, though I do have family in all three of those professions. Anyways, as an engineer who in a previous job designed lifting devices that held millions of dollars of machinery over the heads of dozens of workers... yes, I understand dark humor. Those who were working underneath my designs made sure I was well versed in it, because OSHA approved hard hats are of, ahem, limited value when there's 20 tons hanging 30 feet above you. I was fortunate enough to call those people my friends. I respected them, and they respected me because I wasn't about to tell them to do something that I wasn't comfortable doing myself. So yes, I walked right under that 20 ton load and stayed there for the duration of the install. For some reason that attitude earns respect from the construction crew... and joking about how wide the "splash zone" would be if it fell.

boron said...

"The study found that regardless of the specific condition they were living with, all of the participants had a high preference for childlike or slapstick humor and derived less pleasure from other genres of comedy."
It seems that people who enjoyed Laurel and Hardy; Jerry Lewis, too were in the early stages of dementia.
Dja' think there might be something amiss with the people interpreting the results?

Maniac said...

The best part of being a necrophiliac is that you don't have to bring flowers on a date.

lee n. field said...

IT people, and nurses, also have a dark sense of humor.

SK said...

Here we go again. Not two weeks ago I saw an article stating that a dark sense of humor typically indicated superior intelligence.
Also, just wondering, is butter good or bad for you again this month?

Anonymous said...

It's either 'butter is good at being bad for your' or 'being bad is good for butter'.... ?

Orvan Taurus said...

"Maniac" reminded me a line from an Eddie Cantor (I think) movie:

"A wedding is a funeral where you can still smell the flowers."