Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another funny advertisement

This one's for a mass transit service.




Anonymous said...

Ants are the smartest people.

gebiv said...

So they're saying if you take the bus, you'll kill the big guy behind you?


skidmark said...

There's a presumption that your fellow bus travellers are going to be willing to come to your aid, as opposed to pulling out their cell phones so they can upload your demise onto YouTube, or go through your corpse's pockets to see if you have any transfers that are still good, or even notice that you are having a problem.

I'd like to move to whatever world those ants live on. It seems to be a nicer place than the one I'm currently held captive to by gravity.

stay safe.

AnteatersAnonymous said...

I feel bad for the poor anteater.
To hell with the bus,that bunch of ants just killed the anteater by asphyxiation!

Old NFO said...

LOL- Gotta agree with Skid...