We've all read the warnings about the number of young, military-age men pouring over our southern border. We've also read reports that increasing numbers of gang members have been identified among them. That reality now appears to be coming home to roost.
The Gun Free Zone blog sets the scene.
As a Miami boy, born in the 1980s, I am familiar with waves of Cuban migrants coming to the United States.
In 1980, Fidel Casto began to empty Cuban prisons and ship them with refugees to Florida.
He famously said, “I have flushed the toilets of Cuba in the United States.”
Today, it’s Venezuela that is flushing its toilets into the United States.
. . .
Venezuela’s currently president is Nicolas Maduro, former VP to Hugo Chavez, and Chavez was buddy-buddy with Castro.
It’s not at all difficult to understand how this situation came to be.
So it makes perfect sense that Venezuela’s violent crimes are dropping, because the violent criminals are here now.
The worst part is that half of the American government is on board with this policy, evident that they refuse to send these criminals back.
It’s only going to get worse.
There's more at the link.
The result is that Venezuela's largest criminal gang is now operating in several large US cities. Recent headlines tell the story:
It's not only Venezuelan criminals, of course. A Honduran migrant recently raped a 14-year-old girl at knife-point in Louisiana. The local police complain they're having immense problems trying to control crime committed by migrants.
Kenner Police Department Chief Keith Conley also railed against illegal migrants committing crimes in the area and said they pose challenges for law enforcement for many reasons.
"Lack of access to data, false identification and language barriers put local law enforcement at a huge disadvantage," Conley said.
"We cannot verify if an illegal alien is giving correct information as it pertains to names and dates of birth. It is not only a drain on police manpower, but a financial drain on local law enforcement’s budgets and taxpayers' money."
"In a 25-day period, this illegal alien caused terror in our community. We are glad he is off our streets, but will he be back? Will he have a new identity? What other crimes has he committed since he crossed our borders?"
Again, more at the link.
Solomon is a military veteran and a law enforcement officer. He points out:
Decisions have consequences and all this feel good, pussified, we are the world bull**** that has been pushed by those in power is leading to one thing.
Americans thought **** was bad? They're about to be ravaged. Not so much rural areas but most certainly the big cities.
You're about to see most American big cities turn into open air cesspools.
It will take a decade or more to round up and control some of the gangs and terrorist that have crossed.
My biggest fear?
The Army is about to cut its Special Operations personnel. We're gonna need them. Not for operations outside the country but INSIDE! Many of these gangs are simply too well armed to be confronted with police tactics. Some of the best SWAT units in the US will be overwhelmed.
We're not gonna need force multipliers aiding local agencies against some of these creatures. We're gonna need Ranger type capabilities.
What did you say? You want me to get to the point?
We just allowed a counter insurgency type element to walk across the border and its gonna take a military response to bring order.
Chaos in the cities is coming. No go zones are here and the middle class and poor are about to be ravaged.
Tough on crime is coming back in style but many will be killed, raped and terrorized before Washington DC even notices.
To my mind, the most dangerous aspect of this criminal migrant invasion is that it's going to force many Americans into a vigilante mindset. Speaking about Muslim fundamentalist terrorist attacks in France in 2015, I wrote:
The reaction from ordinary people like you and I won't be to truly think about the tragedy, to realize that the perpetrators were a very small minority of those who shared their faith, extremists who deserve the ultimate penalty as soon as it can be administered. No. The ordinary man and woman on the streets of France is going to wake up today hating all Muslims. He or she will blame them all for the actions of a few, and will react to all of them as if they were all equally guilty.
One can't blame people for such attitudes. When one simply can't tell whether or not an individual Muslim is also a terrorist fundamentalist, the only safety lies in treating all of them as if they presented that danger.
Precisely the same consideration applies to the actions of criminal migrants. It's simply not possible for us to tell which migrants are relatively decent people, and which are criminals: therefore, the only sane approach in high-crime cities is going to be to treat all migrants as potential criminals unless and until they prove otherwise. That's already happened with black inner-city residents. I'm sure most of us have seen complaints from them that too many white people treat them as criminals, whether they are or not. Unfortunately, they live in neighborhoods where criminal gangs flourish; therefore, they're tarred with the same brush. It's inevitable.
That way lies vigilante justice. If our law enforcement agencies and officers are overwhelmed by criminal migrants, the people of our cities will take the law into their own hands. As a result, innocent people are almost guaranteed to suffer.
Who is to blame? Not the vigilantes - they're trying to protect their own lives, families and property. No, the responsibility lies with those who allowed those criminals to pour unchecked across our borders. Who will call them to account?