Saturday, May 5, 2012

Doofus Of The Day #596

I don't know where this video was taken, but the driver of the truck earns our Doofus award for trying to take so heavily-laden a vehicle across a plank patch in a bridge!

Honestly, how could anyone not have seen that coming?



skidmark said...

But apparently if the driver spins the tires hard enough the laws of physics will evaporate and the trailer will get pulled out of the hole.

I would not be too harsh on this driver. I'm willing to bet they, and many others, have "safely" crossed that bridge many times before with no problem. It's onvious the driver shifted the position of their tongue from where it must be held, thus causing this to happen.

stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Yeah -- nobody thinks about the 20 nit-wits who crossed it before it gave way on this poor sumbitch...I.used to drive a bus in Annapolis, Md. Stopped one day and told my boss, "You oughta call State Roads, there's a pot-hole in the bridge." "So what?" sez he. Sez I, " When I go past it, I look down and all I see is re-bar and water-- And it's big enough to eat a Volkswagen...". had steel plates over it an hour later... B-). JohninMd(help?)

Old NFO said...

Yep, piss poor planning... and agree he'd probably done it before!

Anonymous said...

That is indeed a special kind of stupid.