Thursday, April 25, 2019

"Greatest road rage of all time"?

That's what Chief Nose Wetter called this video.  I have to admit . . . it's weird!



Rob said...

That was different!

Beans said...

That Sponge Bog really soaked up a punch...

Old NFO said...


Bob Gibson said...

Holy $#!+, I just got beaten up by Sponge Bob & Mickey Mouse . . .

Judy said...

Can't remember where I've seen it before, but it's still funny!

BWBandy said...


Tal Hartsfeld said...

I have to assume this was staged.
It was, wasn't it?

As far as real-life situations go, I still can't make any sense out of the idea of people investing or financing $40,000-to-80,000 vehicles---only to freely trash them, either driving recklessly or while intoxicated, or engaging in dangerous aggressive "power-play" antics.
Are they not concerned one iota about taking care of items and property they're investing large sums of money in? Are they not concerned with the fact that legal problems and/or injuries incurred will put a halt to their lifestyles, that they will not be able to simple "continue carrying on as usual" afterwards if they engage in certain types of behaviors and suffer the backlash that accompanies them?
Why do they insist on "having the right to" drive and own a vehicle when they're not capable of handling such emotionally and psychologically?

Will said...

Not staged. Russian dashcam video. They can be very entertaining. Guns are very rarely seen in those videos, and road-rage is common.