Thursday, July 18, 2024

Kinda busy...


I'm updating the publication text of various books published by my wife and myself;  fixing errors spotted by readers, re-formatting sections, and so on.  (Don't worry:  the content and storylines won't change at all!)  This is occupying a lot of my time at the moment, so I won't be posting more blog content for the rest of today.  Please amuse yourself with the bloggers in the sidebar.  They write good, too!



Old NFO said...

I need to go finish doing that with mine... sigh

George said...

Any timeframe on Dorothy's next book?

On a Wing and a Whim said...

George - I'd love to have a timeframe, because that would indicate I've got this thing down to the sort of predictability that lends itself to production schedules.

Said schedules would note I'm months behind on output, as I cannot write past a certain level of stress or illness... and being a caretaker to Peter just might be a wee bit of stressful challenge.

I'm hoping within the next 2-3 months.