Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Clarification is important


From Stephan Pastis' "Pearls Before Swine" comic strip.  Click the image to be taken to a larger view at the cartoon's home page.

Reminds me of a Franciscan friar who told me, when I was a student at seminary, "Prayer is such a dangerous thing.  Before you know it, you're heard - so better be careful what you ask for!"



heresolong said...

When I had shoulder surgery to repair my rotator cuff I announced to one of my classes that I would be gone for a few days because I was going to get fixed. My high school is in a small rural farming community. You can imagine the response from my students.

RHT447 said...

"Ask, and thou shall receive. And when you receive remember, you asked for it."

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

"Lord, give me chastity. But not yet." Attributed to St Augustine

Sherm said...

An lesser known look at prayer by Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

Years ago, we lost my childhood cat. I told my mom that if we got another cat, I'd like a young female - to increase the chances of her getting along with our young male cat, and some white would be nice as I was tired of tripping over grey cats in the dark. A month later a stray pure white female shows up and starts living on our porch. We caved, fed her, and eventually let her in. She promptly produced 8 kittens, half of which had white patches. Talk about getting what you ask for!