Thursday, September 26, 2024

We interrupt this broadcast...


It seems that Fadi Boudia, a well-known spokesman for Hezbollah in Lebanon, was on the air presenting his usual dose of propaganda when he was . . . er . . . shall we say, interrupted?

Click over to X to see (and hear) what happened.

I understand his propaganda broadcasts have (perhaps unsurprisingly) not been resumed.  Is that because they wouldn't be "live" any more?



Aesop said...

Comedy gold.
The Israelis have quite the dry sense of humor there.

Anonymous said...

Must be quite a shock to find out The Judge is a Jew, and the 72 virgins are holy angels detailed to torture you for eternity....

Maniac said...

I hope the 72 virgins are male.

Jen said...

Wow. The timing was impeccable.

The Other Andrew B said...

If I saw this in a movie, I would say "Whoa, too far. That's not credible." Sometimes, life is much, much better than fiction.

BobF said...

The virgins are sheep.

Anonymous said...

The last text was "no, bud light".

JohninMd.(HALP!) said...

He was hollerin' a lot, can't be sure they got him...but one can hope...
"Vengence is mine, says Yahuweh...but he often sub-contracts!"