Wednesday, September 11, 2024

We remember


May the souls of all who were murdered on September 11, 2001, rest in peace, and may their sins be forgiven them . . . and may the rest of us never forget them.



Dorothy Bogdan said...

Thank you, I will never forget my husband and it helps knowing there are people like you out there who also honor him.

Anonymous said...

Who said it (Churchill?) "Americans will always do the right thing but only after they exhausted all the other possibilities". It applies to 9/11 as well: terrible tragedy, islamic terrorism 100% but here comes W with the idiotic "Islam is religion of peace" which repeated since then a gazillion times, it's considered truth even now. 20+ yrs after Oct 7 happens and what our young generation does? Scream&shout oh those poor innocents.
Same today: 3.5 yrs of mayhem/everything went down but hey Kamala did great at the debate. And an entire nation with focus of a squirrel: omg Taylor Swift endorsed her.

Bob Gibson said...


Rey B said...

23 years. Still angry.

Peteforester said...

Innit interesting that the "debate" happened last night so that 9/11 would barely be mentioned today? May God give the victims of this tragedy eternal rest...

Anonymous said...

Dorothy, very sorry for your loss. I remember!


John T. Block said...

Still here. Never forget. Never forgive, either. That means perpetrators, not race or religion.