Monday, September 23, 2024

Welcome to parenthood indeed!


I had to laugh out loud at this cartoon from Stephan Pastis.  Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the "Pearls Before Swine" Web page.

I've long since lost count of the number of parents who complained to me, as a pastor and chaplain, about their kids' seeming inability to communicate (or their lack of interest therein).  I had to explain to them that kids' minds are different from adults.  They're hyper-focused on the here and now, what they're doing and who (and with what) they're doing it.  Letting other people know about it, or remembering that they're supposed to be somewhere (or doing something) else, is outside their wheelhouse while they're preoccupied with something more intriguing (or naughty).

Oh, well.  I don't have kids of my own, but I'm told they turn out to be worth it in the end!



Mind your own business said...

I have the same complaint with my four kids.

However, when I look back at my own time at those ages, I can't say I was particularly good about staying in communication with my parents or letting them know what I was up to.

Grey Man said...

I hate responding to texts now and I'm 45.

glasslass said...

There are many days and nights, when as a parent, you just want to give them away. Gulag, juvie, anywhere just for 24/48 hours. Just for the relief. But no teenager communicates with their parents. Ever.

Old NFO said...

Somedays... just sayin...

boron said...

"...I'm told they turn out to be worth it in the end!"
my eldest is 50; he can still be a pain "in the end."

Jen said...

A long time ago, I checked on that program where you can drop kids off at a fire department, but apparently it was infants only; they didn't want surly teenagers.

Anonymous said...

You didn’t ask permission when they were made, why start now.

TMF Bert

HMS Defiant said...

Viz dropping off kids, I got such a laugh out of one state law that permitted child drop offs but didn’t put any age limit on it and a man from Texas showed up in Nebraska to drop off all of his teenagers. It was about 26 years ago.