Monday, December 16, 2024

Memes that made me laugh 240


Gathered from around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



Maniac said...

I'll be staying at Lizzie's house for the fourth time soon.

Anonymous said...

My goal is now to have a B-24 fireplace..

Ultimate Ordnance said...

I don't get the "EV using a power outlet" meme. What am I missing? Charging a cell phone maybe?

Tsgt Joe said...

they are charging their car from the outlet

Mind your own business said...

Trickle charger?

AuricTech Shipyards said...

Ideally, the bomber would be either a Lancaster or a B-29.

Rick T said...

The EV owner is stealing power to charge their car if they aren't the one paying the power bill.

Will said...

The default means of charging a Tesla is a long 115V cord that plugs into any regular outlet. I know a guy with a Tesla, and even though he has a Tesla Wall Battery/solar charging system at home, he still just plugs into his garage outlet with a cord that runs under the garage door to reach his car.
It's a slow way to charge, but if the car is going to be parked for the day, that normal outlet is fine for charging it up, and a public outlet is free charging for that car.

Dwight Brown said...

Re #1: A friend of mine pointed out that according to that standard, "The Alamo" is a Hanukkah movie.

And I agree with him, at least with respect to the John Wayne "The Alamo".

Anonymous said...

Public car chargers should not exist, unless there's a free gas pump next to each one.
--Tennessee Budd

Anonymous said...

Most public charges cost money to use... This guy wasn't using one of those.

Anonymous said...

In one version the plucky rebels are all put to the sword.

Anonymous said...

Or the EV owner also owns the building. I have a client who leases office space, and the building owner's company is also in that building. He charges his telsa ouside the loading bay every weekday.... because its his building.

re: roomba. I used to live in Hattiesburg, I wonder if I actually know that seller.

JoshO said...

Shoulda cut the cord