Thursday, January 23, 2025

On the road again


I'm on my way down to the DFW metroplex again, this time for a nuclear medicine test of kidney function and another CT scan to see what's going on after my fourth surgical procedure last November.  (Four in a year is a bit much, let me tell you!)  Here's hoping for positive results all round.  I should know by this time next week.

Meanwhile, please amuse yourselves with the blogs in the sidebar.  Prayers for traveling safety, etc. will, as always, be greatly appreciated.



Anonymous said...

Lord , please watch over Pete. He needs your help. And we out here in webville need him.

Paul said...

Second that. Hopefully your Doc is committed to keeping you around and not limiting insurance claims.

Hamsterman said...

Take care. And don't drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly!

Anonymous said...

There are lots of us in a bad way out here who understand in a deeper way than we would like. In November I was diagnosed with colon cancer and shortly there after came down with a kidney infection that got into my brain. I have been admitted to the hospital three times since and they still don't have any good answers for the kidney issue.
I'm not looking for pity as I worked in dialysis for twenty six years and you can always find some one worse off that you. I am better off that many of the patients that went through our center. These kinds of things can and in the long run probably will, happen to us all.

Anonymous said...

Peter, you've been in my prayers for several months, and I continue to pray for your health and for safe travels.
All my best,
Bob G

Nylon12 said...

Godspeed sir, prayers are in the rotation.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for travelling grace and the Lord's healing hand.

boron said...

OTOH, just be happy you don't live North of the Border where the only choice they might offer you is MAID
a friend from Texas, toldme, when i was in similar circs, "Jes' keep on truckin'.'
a friend from Britain said, "Keep your pecker up!"
n' here I am ten years later, still truckin'.

lynn said...

Good luck ! From your previous blogs, sounds like you need it. Although your new doctor sounds very competent from your last blog entry.

Uchuck the Tuchuck said...

If it turns out that your pee glows in the dark after nuclear medicine, I want pictures.

Good luck and God go with you, Peter.

Rib said...

Praying & hoping for the best!

Old NFO said...

Prayers for a quick trip and a good result!

LindaG said...

I stand in agreement with all prayers here. In Jesus' name and by the power of His Blood, Amen. 🙏