Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday morning music


Here's an intriguing tune I came across on social media the other day.  I enjoyed the foot-tapping rhythm without knowing what the song was about (it's in Romanian):  but then I found a lyrics site that offered a translation, and became doubly intrigued.  Go read the English lyrics to discover why, and then enjoy the music.

I don't know if it's an older, traditional tune, or a more modern composition.  Can anyone shed more light on it?  If so, please let us know in Comments.



Skyler the Weird said...

My favorite Romanian tune was Ma-i-he

CGR710 said...

It has traditional elements, but it is a typical folk song of the '70s...

CGR710 said...

You may like enjoy something newer, evolved from the same musical roots:

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, Ur in luck (Romanian born here, I grew up with music like this)! :)

Apologies in advance, I will probably be verbose.

The song you found is 'modern', composed by Sterian.

Cenaclul Flacara was a series of shows criss-crossing Romania in late '70s and '80s.
It was the only show worthy to go to back in that time when we were under Ceausescu's Communist regime.

This genre/current was started actually by a band named Phoenix, or Transylvania Phoenix.

Some of their songs:

Phoenix - Negru Voda (this is imho the best prog-rock piece, ever):

Pavel Cneazul 1479:

Another one of theirs, very famous as well:

They also have a double-album very very good, concept/prog-rock, named Cantafabule:

The entire album is about mythological creatures and pre-christian legends/myths.

The lyrics about "hajduks": these guys were warriors Robin Hood types, in 1400-1700s.

But entire current/genre was about ancient warriors and medieval times in general. Escapism, lots of nostalgia about some old times when people were brave and free.

Dan F said...

Thanks for the links and explanation. It’s a whole new musical niche to explore.