Monday, January 27, 2025

That's one way to do it


I'm sure many readers have seen photographs of US Navy ships looking rusty, bedraggled and dilapidated as they enter harbor.  That's the result of many years of bad decisions, allocating fewer sailors to ships than they need to care for themselves, and cutting budgetary allocations, time allowed for maintenance, and so on.

John Konrad, the head honcho at GCaptain, has some ideas about how to fix the problem.

We need a Homan for Navy ship painting!

Reporter: Are we going to have Admirals deported every single day?


Reporter: is that sustainable?


Reporter: Do you think it’s safe to have sailors swinging off the side of ships with paintbrushes?


Reporter: We hear reports that they are using strong acids that are dripping into the sea.


Reporter: You are okay with a fish dying? 


Reporter: I’m told these sailors are overworked and tired. Will they be painting every day?

Yes, and we are going to widen the aperture. Next week, we will be clearing out Pentagon desk wieners and giving them paint brushes.

Reporter: Many of the people in the Pentagon are aviators or cybersecurity or other jobs with no painting experience. 

Yes, and they will paint too.

Reporter: But swinging off the sides of a ship is dangerous.


Reporter: Might some of them get injured?

Yes, if they don’t follow directions.

Reporter: What about civilian pentagon staff, some of whom are disabled?

Yes, we have the ability to lower wheelchairs down the side. 

Reporter: Are you going to have Admirals and Generals swinging over the side painting too? Some are over 60.


Reporter: Are you going to be able to sleep at night knowing half the Pentagon hates you?

Yes, like a baby.

That's telling them!  One hopes the new Secretary of the Navy will take heed.



Tree Mike said...

"This is the way."

Old NFO said...

LOL, love it!

tweell said...

Now give the Navy its lead based paint back. The environmentally safe alternative costs more and lasts maybe a quarter as long.

Steve Miller said...

Er um wasn't lead banned because stoopid kids were eating paint chips?

HMS Defiant said...

The tiny little problem is painting over rust but to get the rust off it must be well and truly knocked, needled or pounded off the ship and the delicate flowers that aren't holding the chipping hammers or needle guns are inside the skin of the ship complaining about the headaches they're getting from all the banging. My solution was to have the deck apes work at night when only the duty section was onboard but the skipper never listened to me.
On the other hand, this doesn't apply to wooden ships so it wasn't all that much of a problem for me. :)

Anonymous said...

I have hopes that Mr. Hesgeth has the balls to do it.
At the very least, it is a welcomed change from the perfumed princes on the potomac, to have an actual combat veteran running the show. Ya know, a guy who's actually toted a rifle and rucked a sack?

Paul, Dammit! said...

Yes, exactly. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Once you hang the brass over the side, do you have to pull them back up at the end of the day?
Not Navy, but I have painted a few offshore drilling rigs.
John in Indy

Quartermaster said...

I spent some time in the Navy on a Destroyer Escort (now called a Frigate). We did not put the deck force over the side unless we were in port in a protected harbor, so it was pretty safe. In the early 70s any skipper that came into port looking like so many do now, he would have been relieved for the flagrant neglect of maintenance. There is no excuse for it.

If the paint they are using is inadequate, then they need to get something that is adequate. If the Flags want to whine there is nothing, then fire them and get the next guy down the line until they get the message. Supposedly there are coatings better than what we used - red lead as a primer and lead based haze grey for the top coat, but if there is, Big Navy isn't requiring it be used.