Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Fifteen minutes of insight and exposition


Last Monday I mentioned Glenn Beck's analysis of the Deep State's "money trail".  He used analysis from Datarepublican to illustrate the incestuous links between various NGO's and each other, and between them and State organs such as USAID, whereby taxpayer dollars were distributed wholesale to causes and activities that were clearly way outside US priorities.

Yesterday, digging deeper, I learned that Mr. Beck has just interviewed the lady known as Datarepublican.  They spent 15 minutes discussing what's been going on, and how the links now being uncovered between departments of state and NGO's are redefining what we know about corruption and misuse of taxpayer funds.  It's very interesting, and well worth your time.

All this should have been known years ago, of course.  The only reason it hasn't is that the mainstream media have ignored their job of investigative reporting, and helped to conceal all this chicanery and deception.  Today, thanks to the Internet, President Trump, D.O.G.E. and millions of concerned citizens, the truth is coming out, and the mainstream media are powerless to stop it (although they're doing their best, I'm sure).  I daresay it'll take years to analyze it all, but please God we'll get it done in the end.

It's been claimed (albeit from a source I've generally considered unreliable and untrustworthy) that:

Algorithms created by the United States Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), have finally achieved what they are calling "God Mode" access to every Executive Branch Agency spending system.

Algorithms are now inside all the Executive Branch systems actively tracing ALL transactions, cataloguing all the requisite information, and creating output files for Executive (Presidential) Review.

No expenditure of money can be hidden by vast networks of "pass-throughs" as was possible for the past fifty years.. No bank account destinations can be shielded anymore.

There's more at the link.

For once, I hope that source is accurate!



Hamsterman said...

The 'god mode' does seem a bit 'over-the-top', but the US Digital Service (which has been renamed DOGE by this Administration) has had access to most systems. In order to really map out the corruption, it will be necessary to know who the 'friends and family' are of the check-writers. To me, that is a very sharp two-edged sword.

Also, there was a media flare-up when some legitimately sensitive budget info was publicized, but the whole database it was taken from had been available to the public (and our adversaries) since last year. The sensitive stuff will also have to be audited, but we probably won't get to hear the results of the audit, which is...also troubling.

Rob said...

It would be nice if the source is correct!

Old NFO said...

Weaponized autism at work. Good for her!

Anonymous said...

As Maxine Waters said "we don't know what they have on us!" LOL

Mind your own business said...

FYI @DataRepublican has been doxxed.

If any one threatens her, I hope they get a nice long prison sentence.

Unknown said...

the "god mode" thing is wrong. They have been given read-only access to many systems. I suspect that there are more systems out there that they don't know about yet, let alone have access to.

David Lang

Anonymous said...

There is nothing sensitive or classified that other countries, businesses or other enterprises don't have. All that is needed is a few bucks. Consider how many times in the last 30 years that the US government has had data loss. Then think about the times the various 50 states had data losses and add the companies that lost their data also.

One of my friends used to fly for the USSR. During the later portions of the Cold War, he worked in and out of the Soviet Union as required. In all the non-western countries he worked in, the KGB and the CIA had offices in the same building and those agents would have lunch or dinner with each other. He was of the opinion that they were sharing just enough information to keep their budgets working well.

Tree Mike said...

I'm getting cautiously optimistic.

Charlie said...

you can follow the money yourself.

Discussing govt corruption with my dad I mentioned offhandedly that all the major churches were in on the theft.

Harumph harumph NOT MY CHURCH! says he

Let's look, says I.

No, his little backwoods church was not taking any federal grant money......directly. But following the trail, it seems they were....indirectly.

They run a small food bank, accept donations, of course. But most of the food came from a group called second harvest, the new orleans branch.

2nd harvest of greater new orleans and acadiana shows gross receipts of 84,889,624, of which 22,251,744 is from govt funds.

Feeding the hungry, great cause.... right right?
Well no actually. When calling it charity, you are not telling the truth. Charity is me giving money freely to someone or some cause. The govt taking my money under threat of death is NOT charity, it is not a donation. It is theft.

The kicker is...... The catholic church just fired most of the board of directors of 2nd harvest because they refused to give back 16,000,000 dollars to the church so the church could defend themselves in the bancruptcy case over them having to pay off the child sex cases against the church.

So by just a few clicks and queries, I am now able to tie a small town church to federal funds to child sexual abuse.

What a world we live in today!!!!