Monday, October 7, 2024

Remembering October 7, 2023


It's become a cliché to speak of 10/7/2023 as "Israel's 9/11", but it remains true.  I don't think Israel, and Jews worldwide, will ever forget that day.  They should not - and we should remember and mourn with them.

Do not forget those who died.  Their memory should inspire us to ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain.

Terrorism remains one of the greatest evils in the world.  We won't succeed in eradicating it as long as there are those whose hatred for others exceeds their love for their own people and themselves.  Words will not eliminate the threat.  Only when we all remember - and apply - the Golden Rule will that be achieved.

"Do unto others what you would have them do unto you."

Hamas did precisely that.  So did Hezbollah.  So have Iranian proxies like the Houthi and others.

Israel has not forgotten, and will not forget.  We do not forget.


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