Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bill Maher brings the smackdown to the politics of the LA fires


When even an acknowledged leftist like Bill Maher is so devastatingly sarcastic and caustic in his comments about California politicians, it's clear that politics in that state may be undergoing a sea change.  Can Democratic dominance of politics there continue as before, or will anger and disgust at the mishandling of the fires and their aftermath lead to a new alignment?

This segment is about nine minutes long, and is worth watching.

The image of all those fire engines that were out of service because they hadn't been repaired (due to budgetary restrictions) is very telling indeed.



Anonymous said...

California's strategy is for everyone to drive electric cars until the planet cools off.

LL said...

Maher, clearly liberal by nature, is also a pragmatist. When the city burns and the new electric fire engines require hours to recharge - and other fire engines haven't been repaired because funds were diverted to DEI programs - it's hard to love the progressives.

boron said...

he calls himself a leftist, but gives his sharpest jabs to the Left

Old NFO said...

He's on the money with that one!

KurtP said...

They'll forget about it by 2026 and reliably pull that straight (D) ticket.

Because they just can't -not- pull anything that has a (D) behind it.