Monday, May 4, 2009

Crackdown on tax cheats?

I guess you've read that President Obama plans to crack down on tax cheats - the corporate variety, anyway.


Just how many of President Obama's Cabinet and Executive nominees have had to withdraw their candidacy because of 'tax cheat' problems? How many more have hurriedly paid up hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes - without penalty from the IRS, of course? (I guess it helps if both the Executive and Legislative branches of Government belong to a party that won't scruple to tell the IRS to back off.)

I lost count a while back.

Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, pot.



Anonymous said...

Mr. Thompson, er, I mean Obambi will just speed up the exodus of businesses away from America.

Atlas Shrugged lives!


Anonymous said...

Amity Schlaes points out in her (wonderful, readable, superb) book "The Forgotten Man" tht FDR tired to do the same thing with retroactive penalties for use of formerly legal tax shelters, with predictable results. No one benefitted, the government didn't gain any revenue, and while FDR got his personal revenge, it did not "punish those responsible" for the Depression.

Michael W. said...

Simple enough,

As my daddy would say to me when I was a young pup, "Boy, don't do like I do, do like I say" I didn't like it then, and sure as heck don't like it now........

Dano said...

Since I've payed out something like 3x the original amount owed to the IRS over the last ten years, I have to say that public beatings are too good for them. I love the way the wealthy get away with this crap but the lower folks get screwed.

Old NFO said...

It will just cause more companies to leave the US completely, because if they are taxed in both countries for their entire income, they will go where they are treated better (e.g. out of here).

Anonymous said...

Cheating on taxes doesn't count if you are a democrat.