Friday, July 21, 2023

Homelessness in California


I'm obliged to Lawrence Person for his summary of an interesting YouTube interview about the state of homelessness and homeless policies in California.  It's brutal.

Here's the video, if you'd like to watch it in full.

And here are some of Mr. Person's summary points from it.

  • “According to the latest report, California alone has one third of the U.S homeless population today.”
  • “What we have is you can be arrested or cited did over and over and over and over again, and there’s no consequences. And it’s just getting worse and worse.”
  • The same transients sprawling unconscious on city streets in LA and San Francisco are now found in San Diego.
  • “If you look at the people and look in their eyes, you see a lost [soul], almost like a post-apocalyptic look. It’s not somebody who’s lost their job or lost their housing, it’s someone who is addicted to drugs. In large part have fried their brains. They’re suffering from mental illness.”
  • “Stanford recently looked at it last year, their school of economics looked at it, and they found were over the last 10 years, most of the United States homelessness dropped by roughly 9%. In the same period here in the state of California, it went up by 43%.
  • “The most notable, unique difference is our decriminalizing hardcore drug use, and decriminalizing large or low-level property crimes.”
  • You can’t trust crime statistics, because people have just stopped reporting things. Auto thefts are still reported for insurance purposes. “Vehicle thefts here in the state of California have gone up significantly, so much so that on a per capita basis we are double the State of Florida.”
  • One Target accurately reporting thefts for a month doubled San Francisco theft statistics.
  • “Every year more people leaving than are coming to the state because of poor public policy decisions.”
  • “The single dividing line between us and everywhere else in that regard is the legalization of hardcore drug use, or the decriminalization of hardcore drug use.”
  • “Harm reduction centers” just prevent people from dying on that particular day, and do nothing to keep drug users from gradually killing themselves over months and years. Those non-profits are “simply enabling them to continue to that that addiction and to use those drugs, knowing it will kill them.”

There's more at the link.

I recommend reading the whole article, and watching the video too if you have half an hour to spare.  This is the end result of a "deep blue" takeover of the reins of power, in big cities and in states.  Expect efforts to spread the malaise to every city, every town, and every state, if the progressive left has its way.

Meanwhile, if you think everything described above is just fine:



Dwight Brown said...

Small correction: it's "Person", not "Persons".

Lawrence is a close friend of mine, and I know he's a little touchy about that, or else I wouldn't have said anything.


Peteforester said...

And all this, with more Conservatives in the state than the ENTIRE POPULATIONS of several "flyover" states... COMBINED! You wouldn't know this though, because the likes of Brown and Newsom have effectively duct-taped the mouths of every Conservative here!

Part of the homeless problem is more national than it looks. Fact is, there are more homeless people than there used to be. ..."Decriminalizing" drugs was SUCH a good idea... Now, if you're a bum, where are you going to go; Illinois? New York? NO. You're gonna go to CALIFORNIA! Why? BECAUSE THE WEATHER IS GOOD!!! Add to that the Left's vote-buying schemes, "Vote for us, and we'll give you everyone else's money," and you end up with what we have here.

As for "The same transients sprawling unconscious on city streets in LA and San Francisco are now found in San Diego," they've been there for YEARS! I went down there back before the Scamdemic. There were bums EVERYWHERE! I.MEAN.E-V-ER-Y-W-H-E-R-E!!! You couldn't GET AWAY from the smell of URINE!!! The "government" of California has truly DESTROYED the state!!!

DO.NOT.VOTE for NEWSOM if he should decide to run for President!!!!!

Peter said...

@Dwight Brown: Noted, thanks. That's not clear from the way his blog is headed/signed. I fixed it in my post.

Dwight Brown said...

No worries, Peter. Please feel free to delete my comment if you'd like.


Old NFO said...

And it is also a 'booming' business for those who cater to the homeless, getting large dollar contracts sole sourced to them to 'do something', which mainly seems to be lining their own pockets.

Anonymous said...

You get more of what you subsidize. Guess what California has been subsidizing, implicitly if not explicitly?

Rick T said...

At this point I'd ban Narcan from being by paramedics or cops in the field.

Harsh, but right now there are no permanent consequences for serial overdosing.

LindaG said...

The world of that song doesn't exist in California any more. Except the part of the "new explanation".
Reading about the "Harm reduction centers" made me think of Ebenezer Scrooge saying "Better to let them die and decrease the surplus population." (May not be an exact quote.)

But since the dead can vote so many places now....

Mauser said...

Off topic for this post, but something I expect you have an interest in. (Or at least one of the linked articles within this).

Aesop said...

That overlooks the serial caught-red-handed schemes of 20 other states to deport their homeless to Califrutopia, with a one-way plane ticket and several thousands for dope when they get here.
You could look it up.

Plan #2: They tell them they can enter a diversion program, and ship them to rehab - in California, which they fail out of in a day or two, and now they're on the streets here, until they die.

Having just returned from NV and AZ, where gas is a buck-plus a gallon cheaper than Califrutopia, because $1/gallon add-on taxes, which are mandated by law to go for freeway building and maintenance, but which for years have been unlawfully diverted to first illegal alien, and now homeless, subsidy schemes. We are absolutely fully subsidizing Rodents Of Unusual Size (With Two Legs) hereabouts, which explains why the entire state is noting but more rats, and more rodent droppings, wall to wall.

And the people that yapped endlessly about decriminalizing drugs (because they love them their weed), now that the fruits of that poisoned tree are there to rub their idiot noses in, are nowhere to be found to argue for more of this idiocy.

Until we start shipping people back to point(s) of origin, and go back to common-sense rules of society, this only gets worse, until Committees Of Vigilance start making a comeback, in the state of their prior origin.

O frabjous day!

Maniac said...

You get what you vote for.

Ray - SoCal said...

Not mentioned is the 9th circuit of appeals decision of the right to housing. And Scotus refused to review it, sigh.

San Diego is worse.

Lots of graft on building homeless housing, where it costs more than regular housing to build, and is poorer quality.

$800k for a unit?

And the legalization of marijuana, and higher thc content is not helping.

Plus the emptying big prisons due to Covid.

And Soros District Attorneys.

Landroll said...

Regards the last paragraph by Aesop, those who started the disaster in Cali left and came to the hinterlands where they dig in like ticks and regale us yokels with how wonderful Cali was and how we should become more enlightened like the place they fled. My answer always is, "If it was so fn nice why don't you go back?"

Robert said...

Finding pleasure in small things: the "San Francisco" video had error-free captioning and the singer was perfectly understandable. Having impaired vision and hearing, I was delighted.

As for the homeless issue: good gawd. My local city government just spent a buttload of tax money to build a tiny-house compound for "the temporarily unhoused". One of the first residents to transition out torched his house on his way back to the freedom of living on the street. A $75,000 loss despite the closest full-time fire station being across the street.

A former drug dealer/user of my acquaintance agrees with me: let's restrict the use of Narcan and the frequent fliers will go away. He stopped using non-Rx opioids years ago, and yet his doctor, following new state guidelines, started prescribing an absurd amount of Narcan for him "just in case".

Anonymous said...

Just got back from Orange County and will admit that Orange and San Diego counties are not so bad with homeless. Now the rest of the state yep got it right, include Oregon,Washington and Vancouver too as homeless mess.