Friday, July 5, 2024

So much for globular worming and sea level rise


Courtesy of Pascal Fervor, commenting at Liberty's Torch, we find this object lesson in reality.  Click the image for a larger view.

Next time a climate alarmist tries to pull "The seas are rising!" on you, show them that picture, and ask them to explain it.  They won't, of course - because they can't, unless they admit that sea levels on the whole are not rising.

Thank you, ancient Romans!



Paul M said...

Nah, their argument will be "it's not rising there but IT IS rising in other places...because...because...[mumbling/shouting/walking away].

Such a stupid grift played out on the unthinking masses. Not a lot different than decades of Monkeywrencher's wrecking proper forest management, now we have crowded weak forests turned into standing dead ready for a massive fire...too which they shout, "that's natural!".

Maniac said...

Environmentalism is a Leftist religion where Mother Nature is God and Western (White) nations are the Devil.

Anonymous said...

That is easy enough to explain. Remember as a child going on those spinning things in the playground and how you jump off and get thrown to the ground. So it is with the Earth. As it spins it is getting wider and the seas, you know,oh, this is getting too hard. Time for another coffee...

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't dispute that the earth has warmed somewhat. I mean, geologically speaking, The Little Ice Age was yesterday. We're due some warming. But (1) if you think it's caused by men, you're an idjit, and (2) given the apparent drop in sunspot activity, things are probably going to be cooling down quite a bit. Honestly, I wish it would warm more. We could use a higher PPM of CO2, like we had back when Greenland was actually largely farmland. Idk about sea level, just saying, a warmer globe (within reason...not Mercury or Venus warm obviously) is a globe with greater capacity to support life! (Unfortunately that includes microbes and other nasties, but still, more fertility is good!)

Landroll said...

But...., But what does Greta say? Inquiring minds want to know.

Hamsterman said...

Mock it all you want, but by the year 2000 the island of Tuvalu will be overrun by the rising sea, creating millions of climate refugees!

boron said...

@ Maniac
might I change one word:
from religion to cult
don't quite know - perhaps arguable

Aggie said...

Well…. Probably not at the same exact place relative to sea level at the time of their construction, but still, it does put the actual pace of sea level change into a better perspective, doesn’t it?

Anonymous said...

.."globular worming"...

Why Yes! There's lots around the globe that needs a good worming....

Beans said...

Yes, the world has heated up a bit in the last two years, due completely to that stupid underwater volcano that threw a gajillion tons of water into the upper atmosphere.

Otherwise, we'd still be in a cooling trend.

What nobody is talking about is we are still about 4 degrees cooler than the early medieval warming period. That would be the warming period starting in the late 700s to early 800s that led to warm enough temperatures that farms and animal life in northern Europe were productive for more than 4 months out of the year. The land, you know, called as a group 'Scandinavia.' Yeah, where the Vikings came from.

Why? Because food was so plentiful and winters so mild that there wasn't the 'normal' die-off from malnutrition and freezing, and thus a huge overpopulation of Scandinavians had to have somewhere to go. Thus Viking raids...

As to temperatures, the media and the weather-guessers love to use the phrase "in recorded history" a lot, which even if they weren't lying about temperatures still means 'since the invention of the thermometer.' And, of course, the corresponding recording of temperatures. Thermometers were invented in the early 1700's. Then there's places like Spain that started officially recording temperatures in the... wait for it... 1980's.


Amahl_Shukup said...

I posted this on another venue and was informed that these baths were built in the Victorian era, not the Roman era.

lynn said...


lynn said...

The Devil is known as the Father Of Lies. He has many followers.

Hammer said...

For what it’s worth one of the blogs I read posted a map of the US with the record high for each state and when it happened. Counting up something like 36 states had record highs before 1940! A big group in the mid west in the 1930’s for the dust bowl!

Anonymous said...

The TV told me if I pay more taxes then the weather will be more betterer.

Steve the Engineer said...

Seriously I am starting to wonder if the ever increasing chaos in the news is manufactured to distract from increasing excess deaths post plandemic?

Quentin said...

You clearly Do Not Understand. The Roman baths are still above sea level because of global warming, not despite it. Increased warming causes the level of the Med to lower because of increased evaporation.

Yeah, that's it.

(And yes, I'm being sarcastic.)