Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Out of the blue, an unexpected package arrived yesterday from Killer Bees Honey, whom I first mentioned on this blog back in 2016.  Their bees (or "ladies", as the beekeeper refers to them) produce what may be the finest, best-tasting honey in the USA - and I don't say that lightly.  It's remarkable stuff.

 Once opened, the package revealed two jars of honey and a note from an anonymous reader of this blog, commiserating with me over my "recent medical misadventures" and hoping the honey "will help speed your recovery".  How can it not?  I couldn't resist opening a jar at once and sampling a big teaspoonful of its delicious contents.  Best medicine I've had in weeks!

To my anonymous benefactor:  thanks a ton!  It was a wonderful and very thoughtful gift.  To the rest of my readers:  if you haven't tried Killer Bees Honey for yourself, you truly don't know what you're missing.  It is, quite literally, the best honey I've ever tasted.  I may possibly meet a honey that's their equal, but I don't expect to ever find one better than these.  Award yourself a taste "fix"!

(No, I'm not being compensated in any way to advertise Killer Bees Honey.  A friend founded it, and I first mentioned it here to give him a boost.  After tasting it, my wife and I have ordered from them every year.  It's not cheap, but it's the best!  We visited them in 2019, and hope to do so again if we're ever in the area.)



michigan doug said...

Just ordered a jar. A lot of items are out of stock right now.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that compares with local honey fresh from the hive. I started keeping bees with my son (Father/son bonding) a few years ago. We only have 3 hives in southern Oklahoma but for the past several years we pull 90 to 130 lbs. of honey per year. Two of the three hives were swarm captures so really local genetics. We are surrounded by pastures and wooded areas. Real Wildflower honey.

My son bottles and sells it at a local flea market. It keeps him in money to take his girlfriend out. Economic lesson with a real-world payoff.

I did not think there would be much difference in honey from the big box stores but boy was I wrong! The difference is night and day. Local raw honey fresh from a known hive is amazing. I will always keep a hive or two on my property just for the fresh honey. Good stuff.


glasslass said...

I'm a couple of days behind on blog reading but having read this I can't agree more. After seeing this I order a large bottle for a friend for her eighty something birthday as she is a big honey fan eating it every day. She loved it so I order some and then order a triple for both my children. So thank you for mentioning it again as I finished my last bottle a few months ago.

Robert said...

Only three bottles left. Maximum of one allowed per order. The one with the AK-47 is sold out. Darnit.

Peteforester said...

If you ever get the chance to try AVOCADO honey, give it a whirl! Hands down the best honey I've ever tasted! As always, "local" is best, but even the stuff available commercially is good! I actually live in an area out here in the West where there is a supplier of local avocado honey, but it's only available for a few weeks each year. Whenever I see it come up I buy a pound or two... Even if I don't need any!

E. C. said...

Last year our bees went on a rampage through the neighbor's clover field and we ended up with 4 gallons of pure, raw clover honey. I think that was the best honey I've ever tasted.
I'm not discounting what you're saying about your honey, I'm just saying that local is delicious (and has the added benefit of easing allergies for those afflicted).