Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Olympic Last Supper debacle


I haven't had much to say about the depraved, debased mockery of the famous "Last Supper" image at the Olympics opening ceremony last weekend, largely because I was expecting something like it.  The overwhelming mood in much of Europe, particularly among the self-selected "intelligentsia", is anti-Christian.  Of course they were going to mock what so many of us believe!

I may not agree with Arthur Sido all the time, but I think he summed up the brouhaha very well.

It is just another example of cultural vandalism by degenerate toddlers that are controlled by their genitalia.

Causing outrage was the entire point. Why else would you do that? There was nothing artistic about it, it was simply performative degeneracy intended to cause a backlash. The backlash reaffirms to these freaks that they are on “the right side of history” and probably at some deep level serves as a way to get back at their parents for not buying them a pony for their 7th birthday.

What it did accomplish was to get a bunch of people upset and serve as clickbait for normie “news” sites to drive traffic for the latest outrage du jour. Places like Fox News and Newsmax love stuff like this because it drives traffic numbers way up.

So what good does it do to get all upset and frothing at the mouth? Not a damn thing. That is exactly what They want you to do, chasing after the latest stick of outrage until you get tired and then they throw a different stick in a different direction. It is the same thing I tell people when I say Quit Chasing The Stick. The Left throws out charges of “racism” and normies go chasing after the stick to prove that they are in fact not “racist”. They bring back the stick and say “See, I am not racist!” at which point the Left throws the stick again and there they go chasing after it.

The same basic thing happens with cultural vandalism ... There is nothing wrong with pointing it out and then of course mocking it but to get upset about it is doing what They want. Nothing good will ever come from you doing what They want.

It ought not be a surprise that people that not only don’t believe in the [tenets] of Christianity and in fact hate it would therefore mock and revile it. In fact if people would occasionally read their Bibles they would know that an absence of mockery and hatred of your faith ought to be considered a sign you are doing something wrong. Don’t give them the outrage they crave. Mock them and then move on. They crave your vitriol but your scorn is a far more effective weapon.

There's more at the link.

Speaking of scorn . . . if we're offended by that opening ceremony (and "offended" should be a very tame description of our reaction if we truly believe in Christ), then why are we watching a single moment of the Olympic Games?  The Games rely on spectators, both live and on TV, for their financial success.  One or two of us boycotting them won't even be noticed;  but a few hundred million of us around the globe?  Now, that would get their attention!



Orvan Taurus said...

Well, I haven't been watching. Then, I generally never do. There are better ways to waste my time.

libertyman said...

Hmmmm, I wonder why they didn't mock Islam?

I think because Muslims don't turn the other cheek, but might cut it off, that might be why.

Anonymous said...

My dad was a member of the winning USA eight-man Crew team that went to Helsinki in 1952. We watched the '68(Mexico City) and were living in Munich in '72 and attended many events. But after that my dad wouldn't watch the Games. He said that it was not about being the best athletes anymore. I don't watch either. I will never believe that some of the categories of "sport" are really competitive athletic endeavors, breakdancing was a social expression show, no problem but it's not a sport. It's theatre. The point of competing is to establish who the winner is and who lost by comparison of objective results. In a subjective world, the Olympics were supposed to allow athletes from anywhere to compete on an equal basis. The Games have morphed into the Pageant, usually expensively for the host city. And it feels like there's something wrong with the most intimidating player in professional basketball playing for any team in what was an amateur venue. And the IOC has been ineffective without having to answer for it since Avery Brundage. Just my thoughts over many Games cycles.
rick m

Unknown said...

There is a long history of anti-christian actions in france.

France is where "Friday the 13th" originated when the King arrested the Knights Templar.

Also, Notre Dame Cathedral is owned by the French Government because it sized all the property of the Catholic Church during the French Revolution.

David Lang

Divemedic said...

The Charlie Hedbo response seems to be far more effective.

Anonymous said...

Pro athletes all. I lost interest when figure skating tanked some people I thought did a good job. Have not watched and will not again. Unless by some fluke I see some of that drivel.

NobobyExpects said...

It should be said that the perps cared by historical accuracy, and both the "artist" in charge, and the person presiding the table, are of the same ethnic origin as Our Lord and Savior.

Not as pure, good, holy, and honourable, of course.

tweell said...

Who are the Olympic advertisers? I would like to extend my boycott to the 'fellow travellers'.

Mind your own business said...

I wouldn't agree with "So what good does it do to get all upset and frothing at the mouth? Not a damn thing. That is exactly what They want you to do, chasing after the latest stick of outrage until you get tired and then they throw a different stick in a different direction."

I'm sure the media loves it for the reasons given. But there is a consequence at some level and people in the sponsoring organizations pay a price for alienating large swaths of the public. THe people that endorsed this will have their reputations damaged, and maybe lose work in the future. Some will give inauthentic apologies in hopes of reducing the backlash. Some of the public will just avoid further association with the Olympics. Avoid watching. Avoid sponsored products. There will be an economic price to pay for someone.

Mind your own business said...

Olympic advertisers/sponsors ... Toyota, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Eli Lilly, VISA, Comcast/xfinity

Anonymous said...

What Olympic games? Is that this week?

Mad celt said...

Mocking Christianity is a through waste of time and effort. The central plank of Christian Theology is forgiveness. No matter how cutting edge or harsh the mockery the mockers will be forgiven time and again because Christ demanded forgiveness 70 times 7.

Beans said...

The Olympics were dead to me long before this epic fail. And, well, same with Parisian France.

Of course, regarding France, it literally is Paris that drives all the stupidity and idiocy that we call 'France.' Would it surprise you to know that religious pilgrimages are a big thing amongst rural (called provincial over there) peoples. Thousands join together to walk pilgrimage ways to various shrines and holy sites. Does that ever get reported about France? Noooo...

Following the way that LePen's party was roundly trounced in the second set of elections, by... Parisians, of course, it would not surprise me that the Olympics will be pretty much the final point before full scisms between the haut French and the provincials.

There are still lots of provincials who remember the good that the US did during and after WWII. And remember the way the city folk rolled over for the friggin NAZIs.

Fully expect things to get interesting over there next year.

Anonymous said...

Think bigger. Countries need to have pulled their athletes. The Deputy PM of Slovenia has stated he is boycotting the Closing Ceremonies. Not much, but a statement and a start.

boron said...

hate to mention this Peter, but...
"(and "offended" should be a very tame description of our reaction if we truly believe in Christ)"
you don't have to believe in Christ to be outraged/incensed/disgusted/horrified/revolted:
and these are very mild words that express my feelings
and I don't accept Jesus Christ as The Moshiach.
This scene was meant to provoke - period!
What are we gong to do?
What can we do?
Well, I for one, will not watch any part of this one or any succeeding Olympics and will ask my friends and family to avoid the Olympics from now on, as well the products and service of the sponsors (where possible) until the committee in charge of this (I honestly can't find a word for this depravity), as well as the sponsors, apologize in such manner that you (and I) find acceptable.

LindaG said...

I don't watch the Olympics. Or any professional sports any more. I don't have to support those who despise Christianity or America.

You all be safe and God bless.

TCK said...

Anyone who hasn't realized by now that "I'm a liberal/progressive" and "I'm a soulless, inhuman, monster placed on this Earth by the Devil to spread death, misery, and tyranny everywhere I go" are perfect synonyms, is not intellectually tall enough to be on this ride.