Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hoist with their own petard?


Project Veritas has uncovered highly entertaining details of how Democratic Party vote-rigging tricks in one Michigan city are now being turned against them by a new pressure group.

Project Veritas’ investigation began in 2023 when the newly-elected Muslim leadership banned the LGBTQ pride flag on city property. We spoke to dozens of locals, Democrat officials, and liberal activists who all described how Muslim politicians are using illegal ballot harvesting operations to secure permanent power. Under Michigan law, ballot harvesting and the handling of multiple ballots has been illegal.

Prominent media figures and government officials insist that election fraud is a myth. They actively work to use propaganda and lawfare to shut down any dissenting voices with evidence to the contrary. But after a decade of successful election fraud investigations leading to arrests and voting law changes, Project Veritas is determined to uncover the truth of these allegations in Democrat-ruled Hamtramck, and once again document systemic voter fraud.

Hamtramck’s Democrat officials admitted to Project Veritas that ethnic minorities have been using absentee ballot fraud to win city elections for over twenty years. But it was the election of Conservative Yemeni Muslims to the mayorship and council in 2021 which put an end to 100 years of continuous Polish political power. Locals expressed to our journalists that life under Muslim leadership isn’t the Democrat unity that many had hoped. The growing influx of Arab immigrants means that burqas, animal sacrifice, and the Muslim call to prayer blasting through city loudspeakers five times a day is now common.

Progressives who once eagerly welcomed Middle Eastern immigrants now express a feeling of betrayal and fear that their progressive LGBTQ sanctuary may be lost forever as Muslim politicians appear to perfect the use of voter fraud.

. . .

Hamtramck Democrats apparently fear allegations of racism and discrimination if they bring attention to election fraud coordinated by Bangladeshi and Yemeni ethnic minorities ... Multiple Hamtramck residents in the know say that voter fraud is primarily committed within closed ethnic communities within the city, where immigrants who are unfamiliar with the voting process are intimidated and bullied to turn over their ballots by harvesters working for the candidates.

There's more at the link.

In so many words, the former powers that be in Hamtramck are bewailing the fact that the new powers that be there are using exactly the same tactics that they did.  "It's OK when we cheat, but not OK when they do!"

My heart bleeds for them.

There is, of course, an easy way to stop this sort of electoral fraud dead in its tracks.  Vote in person, on election day, at your designated precinct, with proof of ID and US citizenship, and be marked in some way to indicate that you've already voted, so you can't do so again.  That would instantly remove almost all possibility for electoral fraud . . . but such measures would also derail the institutionalized electoral fraud that's existed in such areas for decades, if not generations.  Therefore, it won't happen.  Crooked politicians have too much to gain from corruption.



Anonymous said...

Again I'm amazed by people's inability to consider secondary, tertiary, etc. knock-on affects...
So lets extrapolate, shall we?
What happens when the muzzies start taking over county seats? Or win a few state-level elections, and halal food must be served in all schools in Michigan from then on? Then all food has to be halal so there's no cross-contamination. Been to Minneapolis lately?
We laugh at the liberals being shoved out of their queer enclave, because it's not happening to our side. But when they perform the same maneuver in your town, take over your local politics, you'll sound just like the liberals do now.
Let me skip about 4 or 5 'knock on affects' ahead for you: We have to shoot them dead to get our country back from Sharia law. Inner city enclaves and no-go-zones will be a thing, and the police/government will protect THEM from US...

Anonymous said...

The 'former' officials haven't caught on that the 'immigrants are our strength' are simply colonists subjugating them even after being subjugated? Enjoy the animal sacrifice, burkas and new religion being imposed on you. Or do something other than 'run away' 'get out of the cities' we hear so much about.

Michael said...

As Gomer Pyle might say "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise".

What's been in merry ole England (and Ireland) has come to roost like a vulture in the Midwest "lets welcome mass immigration" America.

GOODNESS, didn't they WANT More NEW Voters? They GOT THEM.

Bible history shows how God used even the evil pagan Babylonians to enslave His "Chosen People" for their sin and evil behaviors.

If we are truly a post Christian Nation given LBGQTXYZ+, Reproductive RIGHTS = killing unwanted babies (shades of child sacrifice to Baal, eh?) and so on.

Maybe we are under HIS judgement?

Gentlemen prepare to defend yourself and your families.

REAL not internet angst TROUBLES are near.

Maniac said...

A suicide bombing or two will show these self-loathing Leftists the errors of their ways.

You get what you vote for.

John Stricker said...

Haramtramck, more like...

Anonymous said...

If the process doesn't matter anymore, then nothing else does. They don't seem to understand the effects of what they are doing... Which doesn't portend good things for our future.

Anonymous said...

We have a chicken plant in town and they brought a lot of Muslim from their Minnesota plant. First came the complaints that the kitchen wasn't halal so managements accommodated them, then the attacks in the parking lots at night on the women. Who then started quitting along with harassment of the men. All the while they were looking for a building to start as their 'church'. Surprisingly nothing was put up for rent that even matched what they were wanting. Nasty as a snake to anyone waiting on them. Saw a man who was browbeating a 18 year old kid at Walmart for something the employee could not do. Later when he left the kid rolled his eyes and said "they are all like that". All have now left town.

Technomad said...

Here in Iowa, we can vote up to 30 days before the Big Day, at our county courthouse, with proof of identity. Those votes are not counted until Election Day itself---I'm a precinct election official myself and I have seen them brought in and counted. We have pretty honest elections here. Unlike a certain neighboring state I won't mention, where the doctrine that the dead shall rise from their graves comes true every Election Day in a certain big city on a big lake.

michigan doug said...

At some point it's gonna be submit or take a stand.

Hopefully it won't be too late.

Mauser said...

Hoist BY their own petard. (Literally "blown up by their own bomb").

Peter said...

@Mauser: Actually, no. The original use is WITH; modern usage sometimes replaces that with "By", but "With" is still the original usage.


Anonymous said...

The petard was an early gate breaching device, of an iron tripod holding up a heavy bell-mortar* loaded with black powder against a gate, then detonated to destroy the gate. The operators, when caught, were hanged on their own equipment to both terrorize and to eliminate their technical competence.
Similar to the French cutting off the first two fingers of captured English archers, the source of the English "Vee" gesture, (palm towards yourself) as a "come and take them" sign.
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

*Bell-mortar: an early cannon type with the outer form of a bell and a smaller tubular bore, used both as a petard and as a mortar / cannon.
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

Useful idiots are always dismayed when they are the next victims