Monday, August 5, 2024

Memes that made me laugh 221


Gathered from around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



Anonymous said...

The animal the homeless man is holding is a Virginia opossum, not a dog.


LindaG said...

The junk drawer is me.
The summer challenge made me laugh.
You all be safe and God bless.

Anonymous said...

The gun-mounted pickup. Is that [name], [other name], or [that One Gal]? And does the range charge for needing two bays?


Skyler the Weird said...

That gun is mounted on a Pickup instead of a Jeep. It's the Redneck Rat Patrol. Troy is wearing a Caterpillar Ball Cap instead of an Aussie Bush Hat.

audeojude said...

The loading the dishwasher meme resonated like a grenade going off. I find it incomprehensible how bad most people are at loading dishwashers. My wife for instance. I can load 2x the dishes and get them 2x cleaner. It's a 15 years of marriage running joke? sorta. Other people also but I live with her. Almost marriage ending (JK) to hand her the manual showing how bowls, cups and utensils and such should be loaded and that tall thin cylinder shaped cups and such can't get clean in the corners of the dishwasher as the spinney part jetting out water doesn't reach them corners to get water all the way up into them. :)

I know after 15 years it is something I should stay far away from but ohhhhh the temptation to say something as I rerun 15 to 20 % of the stuff in the dishwasher again to get it clean.

Anonymous said...

We have a dishwasher at work and a dishwasher tyrant. Often people will but in dish perpendicular to the bars just to watch the tyrant freak out. When your at site for 21 days straight you have to find a hobby to stay sane.


Anonymous said...

The range I used to shoot at banned .50 cal and full auto, when, after a long Saturday night, a few good Ole boys thought that 8 AM Sunday morning would be a good time to test fire the quad 50s on their half-track.
Lafayette, Louisiana. Many years ago.
John in Indy

lynn said...

MEME #2: I am not allowed to load the dishwasher anymore. She says that she has to stop the dishwasher, pull everything out, and reload it.

Anonymous said...

"Loading the dishwasher"?
Man, y'all sure have some funny euphemisms for sex.
--Tennessee Budd

E. C. said...

Were I to try the summer challenge my hot dogs would have to be only half cooked. I have a truly impressive farmer's tan this summer. :'D