Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fit to be Thai'd?


Now and then a news report pops up that gives one furiously to think.  For example:

It appears the tourist was high on marijuana, stripped off, and entered the animal's pasture to do the deed - only to meet up with, not just the cow, but also the bull, which registered its feelings about the matter by horning in on proceedings (you should pardon the expression).  There are some remarkable pictures at the link illustrating the depths of the bull's feelings on the matter.  I daresay the tourist now knows exactly what the song means when it assures us, "Love hurts"!

One presumes the tourist will be charged with dis-udderly conduct?



Maniac said...

Moo means moo.

Anonymous said...

Like 'they' say, "Mess with the bull - Get the horns."

Beans said...

Ah, the side effects of medical marijuana usage... Guess the bull was more horny than the Russkie.

Sailorcurt said...

Actually, according the story, it was the cow that gored him.

Apparently the bull was willing to share.

Aaron said...

Never try to milk a bull.

Anonymous said...

Note where the cow's head was in the picture. As they don't eat meat but graze all day what was the cow grazing on? :)

Aesop said...

Stupid should hurt.

And he should be denied medical care, unless it's delivered in the prison ward.

Andrew Smith said...

From the article:

"Witnesses said he had first went to a male cow then over to the female and tried to climb on top of her."

That might have been what started it with the bull.

audeojude said...


not sure what guy was up to.. only thing article mostly seems to say is guy naked in field messing with cows. gender irrelevant. lol.. was off his rocker mental later at hospital and probably in field also.

My takeaway is that a mental dude got naked and tried to play with the pretty cows, whether that was sexual or not isn't apparent and the comments from the cops seems just a bit tongue in cheek. I'm assuming they are having a hilarious day with this and it will have jokes for the rest of their careers about crazy Russian tourists and cows. I would assume for moment that sexual twist is more for their entertainment and the websites clickbait tendencies.

Though you could have messed with the cows without getting naked? right? however there is a whole range of mental issues and drug interactions that can push people to get naked. Or God forbid he liked the looks of the bull a little to much but couldn't handle the heat there and decided a cow was just as good. :)

I'm going with mentally wacked out of his mind to play with 100's to 1000's of lbs of bovine goodness regardless of his clothing state.

HMS Defiant said...

You know there is no shortage of 'willing' girls and things that look like 'girls' in Thailand. You have to wonder what makes some people tick.