Saturday, August 31, 2024

Quote of the day


From Larry Lambert at Virtual Mirage:

"It was more fun being 20 in the 70s than it is being 70 in the 20s."

How many of us can wholeheartedly agree with that?




Jim said...

I can vouch for that.

Thomas said...

I was 20 in the '80's. I'll be 80 in the '40's.

Anonymous said...

At 78 yo, I can verify that!

libertyman said...

A different kind of fun, but better, maybe? I am happy to be at an age (74) where perspectives have changed -- almost all for the better thank you.

Tsgt Joe said...

As a decrepit 75 year old, I agree. I probably shouldn't complain since, except for one, all my childhood friends have crossed over already.

Hamsterman said...

If you remember the 60's, then you don't remember the 60's. In my case, I don't remember the 60's, and the 70's are a bit hazy.

Old NFO said...

Oh hell yes...

BobF said...

Ohhhh, yes. I'm 79 and my warranty ran out long ago. Lots of replacement or just plain ol' removed parts -- and they ain't NAPA.

tsquared said...

I was a teenager in the 70's.

Anonymous said...

I was 15 when the '70s ended, but I wholeheartedly agree!
--Tennessee Budd

JohninMd. (HALP!) said...

I'm a witness....

Anonymous said...

It was more fun being 20 in the 70's than it is being 20 in the 20's too. Several orders of magnitude so. Demographics alone make that obvious.