Monday, October 28, 2024

Whoever staged this needs to have the Golden Rule applied to them


@Alphafox78 on Twitter asks:

What kind of a message are democrats trying to send with this display?? 🤨

I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count:

For foreign readers who may not catch the resemblance, the photograph depicts a mannequin dressed as President Trump in the back seat of a vehicle similar to that in which President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 (shown below).

Such a comparison, after at least two and possibly as many as five assassination attempts against President Trump during this election campaign (depending on which news reports one believes), is so mentally sick that it's beyond rational comprehension.  It's an open, unambiguous suggestion that someone should try again.

I wonder how the person who thought up that visual comparison could regard it as in any way justifiable, but literally thousands of mainstream media articles are bloviating that President Trump is a "fascist" and a "racist" and a this, that and the other.  The propaganda is so overwhelming that it's already pushed some people - whose heads were probably already a few cents short of a nickel - to try to kill him.  Images like this will likely inspire more to follow their example.

I've said all along that voting won't solve our problems - not when we have a large section of our population so brainwashed that they actually believe such lies.  There are doubtless many who would cheer if President Trump was injured or killed.  Needless to say, if the situation were reversed and one of their favorite candidates was attacked, there'd be hell to pay . . . but that won't count in their minds.  They're not fascists, after all.

I continue to expect a deliberate attempt by the progressive left wing of US politics to cheat in this election:  to elect their preferred candidate to the Presidency, and even if they can't achieve that, to elect so many of "their" Congresspeople and Senators that they can block any initiative by the "wrong" President until they can reclaim that office.  I truly hope that the will of the people, as expressed at the polls, will prevail:  but looking at the shenanigans already unveiled during early voting, and the number of fraudulent mail-in ballots already submitted, I'm afraid that's a pipe-dream.

Don't get over-confident in the results of this election, and stand by for a massive nationwide campaign of fraud, disinformation and cheating that will make previous attempts pale into insignificance.

I hope I'm wrong . . . but I fear I'm not.  Only time will tell.



RHT447 said...

You are not wrong.

Anonymous said...

That last meme/pic... Yeah. "Hate Speech" like "there are only two genders" and "men can't be mothers" or "it's okay to be white", and "intolerance" like saying "experimenting on little kids to attempt to validate your perverse sexual and gender theories is wicked and should result in millstones".

The creator of that meme can eat my freaking shorts, and jump in a lake of fire. Opposing evil does not "lead to had chambers". Rejecting Almighty God leads to 60+ million dead infants.

Well Seasoned Fool said...
