Tuesday, October 8, 2024

First After-Action Report coming out of North Carolina


Vox Day has published a lengthy after-action report from someone in North Carolina.  If you have any interest in preparing for disasters great or small, you should click over there and read the whole thing.  I'm going to publish just one short excerpt, because I think it makes an important point.

Right now DoT contractors are trying to reconstruct roads so large recovery teams can get into places like Chimney Rock but have to constantly avoid killing GoPro Bros on 4 wheelers and dirt bikes. One equipment operator at church yesterday said they had to double back to re-repair a stretch of road that was rutted out and left unusable by a group on ATVs, no one knows who they were. There are hundreds of local, able bodied men that know the lay of the land and exactly who they are looking for. Do not bring your lifted jeep to NC to try and save people because TikTok said you should. Its really hard to believe how much disaster rubber necking is happening out there right now.

There's more at the link.  Go read the whole thing.  It's worth your time.

That really is an important point.  I hadn't thought that "disaster rubber necking" would be a thing in the chaos that is North Carolina's hill country right now, but it seems I was wrong.  Such idiots only get in everyone else's way, and frequently require rescue themselves when they try to get into areas that are not safe.  Don't go there to look - only to help.  Voyeurs can watch TV like everyone else!


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