I see President Trump has signed an executive order requiring that an "Iron Dome"-type anti-aircraft and anti-missile system be installed in the United States. Given the sheer surface area of this country, it obviously won't be cost-effective to build a system to cover every square foot of our land; but that's also not necessary. Major cities, critical infrastructure and essential facilities can be covered much more easily and cheaply.
The interesting fact, of course, is that Israel's Iron Dome system is largely manufactured in the USA, using our military aid dollars for the purpose. Those aid dollars can only be spent on American weapons systems. Israel therefore designs its critical weapons in-house, and when they're perfected, contracts out their manufacture to US companies, thus providing jobs to our people and revenue (and some interesting new technology) to our government. Thus, America can simply increase the production of Iron Dome missiles and electronics, and divert the excess to our own needs. I'm sure Israel will be only too happy to approve such an arrangement, given that we subsidize its defense needs to the tune of billions of dollars every year. (Whether or not we should spend so much on Israel is another matter, producing a lot of very spirited debate in political circles.)
As a matter of fact, we already have a couple of Iron Dome batteries to play with. Two were activated at Fort Bliss in 2020 to provide the Army with an interim cruise missile defense capability. By now the US armed forces should have acquired enough operational and institutional experience with them to be familiar with our needs, and has a core of personnel trained to operate them. That will also speed up the deployment of new systems if they're urgently required.
The US military has traditionally placed less emphasis on anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses than other countries, because it's relied on the traditional air superiority of the US Air Force to protect the rest of the armed forces. That air superiority is now increasingly challenged, as witnessed in the efforts to protect ships in the Red Sea area from Houthi missile attacks. Air raids and aircraft-launched missiles have not stopped enough of them from getting through. Israel has a ferociously effective air force, but it hasn't relied on that alone to stop incoming fire - hence its development of Iron Dome and other missiles. If we follow their example, and use their combat-tested technology, I think it'll give us a head start on filling in a capability gap for our armed forces.
Sounds like the MIC's wet dream.
My neighbor, who works at Raytheon, laughed at the premise, but was excited about the future contracts.
Consider the Russians, who currently have the most advanced anti-missile/drone defense still take hits. And the critical areas in the US are much more spread out than those in Western Russia.
Any US "system" will be late, overpriced, and only meet 10% of the goals, except enriching those contractors and their congressmen.
Unless you're using a laser beam, which moves at the speed of light and makes hypersonic look slow. That technology is under development, both in the USA and in Israel. See, for example, Israel's "Iron Beam":
Early days yet, but give it time and even hypersonic incoming weapons might be targeted.
yes you can stop hypersonic missiles, all ballistic missiles are hypersonic.
the fear/hype about hypersonic missiles is that they maneuver, so are harder to hit. That doesn't mean impossible.
There was a time when people said it was impossible to intercept a ballistic missile.
@peter, I'm glad you mentioned the Iron Beam, apparently there are a couple other countries with similar laser systems (England and I think the US has one as well)
Israel is scheduled to deploy theirs in active service this year
The current systems are short range (7 miles IIRC) but they make up for it by being cheap to use ($7/shot instead of $50k per shot)
I love the hype about hypersonic missiles, like they're some sort of new thing. Every single ICBM is hypersonic and always has been - so hypersonic missile have been around for 75 years? Anything that can defend against an ICBM is able to defend against hypersonic missiles.
The big problem with these "shoot a missile with another missile" systems is that twofold. The first is that it's cheaper for the enemy to "flood the zone" than for defenders to defend against more. Iron Beam may be the answer to that. The other is to just look at how modern contracts go, from the Little Crappy Ships to Boeing's Starliner and Space Launch System. As Chris Nelson said, everything will be delivered late at twice the cost and barely functional.
The age old battle between attack and defense.
The Military Defense Industries are drooling uncontrollably right now.
Peter what happens when the Laser system is disabled by a cyber attack or betrayal?
Lasers are light speed BUT the Detection, Targeting and Decision Tree are not. AI might be better IF you trust it to be correct 100% of the time. Airliners have been shot down by US Navy ships from human error. AI is just a faster error possibility.
I'm hearing an echo of the Nike air defense system my Dad worked on many years ago.
On U-Tube theres a channel, "Habitual Line-crosser", the creator is an instructer on our Patriot system, has many vids in his archive on air defenders, missile defence based on real experience. He laughs about the hypersonic stuff, and the Russian bots who tout their "superiority", some good info on how interceptors work, and real life experience...check his archives.
@SiGraybeard the difference with "hypersonic missiles" is that they are able to maneuver, so the interceptor missile needs to be able to maneuver a lot more than current once can.
@Michael, detection is a light speed thing (visual or radar) :-)
> what happens when the Laser system is disabled by a cyber attack or betrayal
same thing as any other weapons system. But why would a laser system be any more vulnerable to that than any other technology?
Reading all this made me remember seeing the Nike batteries at George AFB. I suppose they were there defending Los Angeles. That's over 50 years ago. Change and staying the same is a thing.
Have we shown that the laser can penetrate the plasma that surrounds the missile? With maneuverable missiles could the laser accurately target a single spot on the missile long enough to penetrate and damage the interior. Do we even know if the laser will penetrate a missile that can withstand the intense heat of reentry?
Anything that can defend against a ICBM. . . That's the problem. The Patriot has never hit anything! If you think they are invulnerable, volunteer to man one in Ukraine. Multiple units have been destroyed with missiles. Multiple crews killed too.
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