I had a consultation with my urologist yesterday. She gave me bad news. The nuclear medicine test last week revealed that my left kidney is doing 90%+ of the work in my body; the right kidney is moribund, doing less than 10% of the work. In so many words, there's nothing more they can do to save it, and it'll have to come out.
I'm disappointed by this news, but I can't say I'm surprised. Given the amount of trouble I've had from it over the past couple of years, this was always on the cards. The only thing that makes me mad is that, if I'd had this nuclear medicine test right at the beginning, it might have revealed the dimensions of the problem without my going through four kidney procedures last year, and all the associated pain and extended discomfort. Unfortunately, the local doctors I initially used did not prescribe that. If I'd gone to the (much better) urologist in Dallas much earlier, things might have become clearer much sooner, and we might even have been able to save the kidney.
Anyway, onward! My urologist will be on maternity leave for the next few months, and when she gets back we'll decide on dates, etc. for the removal. If anything goes wrong in the interim, I'm to contact her and she'll have another urologist (one she would trust to work on her, which is a very good recommendation) do the removal, but as things stand at present that shouldn't be necessary. Only if the "bad" kidney shuts down altogether will immediate removal be needed, and I'm told the signs of that will be obvious.
However, this means I'm going to have to find more money for the kidney surgery, plus continue saving like mad to put towards a double spinal fusion in the not too distant future. I'm going to do a GiveSendGo fundraiser soon to help out with that, and my wife and I are in the throes of applying for a second mortgage on our home to raise more. Fortunately we have a fair amount of equity in our house, so that won't be too difficult - but at today's interest rates, it'll be expensive. (In brief, I can't rely on medical insurance and/or workers compensation to pay for that, due to a long and complex set of circumstances. I'll explain more when it comes to the fundraiser.) I'm not going to do the spine surgery until the kidney surgery is over and done, and I'm fully recovered from it. Two such operations in quick succession would, I think, be very unwise! I'll just live with the back pain, as I have for years, and pop a few more analgesics to cope.
Many thanks to all of you who've kept me in your thoughts and prayers, and to the very generous reader who helped to cover an onerous bill last year. It's a humbling thought to know that so many people care about me. I'll keep you posted - and please keep the prayers coming!
Ask your kidney doctor which should come first. Some of the drugs involved might affect your kidneys.
Prayers for you Peter.
When you have the GiveSendGo thing up, please post it prominently so we can donate.
Good luck. If you get a reverse mortgage get one that doesn't allow for repoession while you or your spouse are still living. Insist on an overnight hospital stay with the back surgery. I just had the MILD procedure and the first five days of post op pain had me screaming. They no longer do the right thing with patients. I would say no overnight hospital stay no surgery
I agree with Anonymous. My ddepest hopes for you.
Did the conversation get to the idea of transplantation?
It's my understanding that they typically say we can get by with one kidney, although I don't know if they might restrict your diet in some way. Imagine that: a designer who considers redundancy in case part of a critical system gets broken!
Second this. Please let us know
I have lived one one kidney for six years with no issues. They killed the left with radiation due to concerns about residual lymphoma. They left it in and said it turn to scar tissue over time. It hurt for a few years. They also put me on allopurionol for life for uric acid buildup. Hang in there and find backup doctors.
Wishing you the best of luck and a successful recovery!
I would stay away from reverse mortgages. Was in the business for 35 years. It's a johnny come lately and it only profits them.
Well damn... So sorry Peter, you know we'll back you any way we can.
Proving once again that when you really need some pissing-and-moaning, you can always count on the left.
Am saddened to read that sir.
Prayers shall persist.
Maybe unwelcome suggestion (and likely not new for you),
have you looked at “alternative” options at least as an option?
Dr. Ardis, Dr Robert Young, Barbara O’neill (sp)?
I was EMT/CV-THORACID/NEURO-SURGICAL ICU/LEVEL 1 Trauma center Trauma nurse since 1973. So, I don’t make the suggestion frivolously.
G-d’s best and protection for you, your family as well as the staff regardless.
Shining example of why I hate the medical industry.
Could have saved you a lot of pain by slicing it out of you from the get-go, which was the obvious end-game as you said, but then... they wouldn't have made as much money 'trying to save it'. Those Benz's ain't cheap Boss!
I take it that you are not on Medicare here in the USA ? I am getting on Medicare on June 1. It will cut my health insurance from $1,200/month (Obamacare) to Medicare supplements of $400/month (from my wife).
I thought in the US you just had the surgery then applied for bankruptcy.
My 94 year-old father had a kidney with a cancerous mass removed last year. He suffered confusion from the anesthesia for about thirty day. It was a very bad time for the caregiver (me).
Several months after the surgery he started to experience pain in testicle.
The blood supply to the testicle had been damaged during the kidney removal and the testicle was dying and had to be removed.
He has recovered well from both procedures.
We stressed the negative impact re the anesthesia we experienced on the first surgery.
The anesthesiologist reviewed the medications used and removed ketamine in the cocktail for the second surgery. There were no negative results from the anesthesia for the second surgery.
Ask around.
I found that a thirty day period of extreme confusion was typical in patients over twenty-nine (π).
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