Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The reality of skin color


Found on MeWe from Marc Adkins (sorry, MeWe won't provide a direct URL to his post):

Of course, that's absolutely true.  That really is why darker skin hues are concentrated in hotter regions of the globe, and lighter ones to the north and south of that, in cooler climes.  We've evolved the shades of skin as a defensive measure against some of what mother Nature can do to us.

Nevertheless, to hear racists (of any color) rail and bitch and complain against (any and all other colors), it's obvious they've never heard of that reality.  Sure, there are cultural and educational and societal differences too, but they always point to race as the problem, and they always identify skin color as the identifier for race.  No, dummy, that's not the issue - that's a mere defensive mechanism against nature.



Aesop said...

To say that's where melanin content comes from is a truism.

To suggest that melanin content, alone, is the reason some people hate other people is a fallacious oversimplification by a certified idjit.

Unless you want to post a graph of criminality based solely on melanin, and overcome the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy, I submit there are quite a great number of reasons people have issues with ("hate" is a rather strong word) people who also have differing melanin content.

If that were the only reason, it would be dispelled in most people by the second grade.

That it's actually for all those myriad other reasons upsets the simpleton's applecart, including the idiot who so captioned that graphic.

So I humbly suggest posting the same map, except this time do the homicide rate instead of melanin content, and get your paddle ready to start backing water.

We'll leave IQ, literacy, numeracy, resultant economic performance, etc., for another discussion, another time.

Apparently, none of those other reasons occurred to the simpleton responsible for the graphic, who, at best, shouldn't quit his day job.

Anonymous said...

I hear that when a human baby develops the skin and the brain grow from the same tissue, and that's why skin color and IQ are correlated.

Anonymous said...

For a ex soldier who lived in Africa I am amused how you continue to defend the left hand side of the genetic curve.

I've been blessed to work with Dr Carson a noted Black neurosurgeon separating conjoined twins successfully.

He was raised by a single mother who REFUSED to have her son become an semi literate thug.

But exceptions don't change how some small percentage of Americans create such a huge percentage of violent crime daily.

Remove them from our "Gun violence " would have America safer than Switzerland.


MN Steel said...

I'm glad that's all cleared up.

Anonymous said...

Skin color is one external signifier - among many - which indicates racial heritage. Sub-Saharan Albinos may have 'light' skin, but no one would mistake them for someone of Caucasian heritage. Skeletal remains clearly indicate both race and sex. So, too, do the different sizes of the cerebral cortex.

Culture is downstream from genetics. While not 100% determinative, one's genetic and racial heritage is highly predictive of one's behavior, habits, and interests. This has been demonstrated repeatedly by adoption studies - both within and between races. While home environment and societal norms appear to be modifiers, they merely maximize or minimize one's genetic potential.

No seems to argue that Africans - due to bone structure and more fast-twitch muscle fibers - tend to be better runners and jumpers - as well as poorer swimmers - than Whites - on the whole. There will always be outliers, but they do not disprove the mean.

Yet acknowledge that these same genetic differences extend to intellect and behavior - and even family structure and morality - and all 'right-thinking' people are shocked and appalled and screech raycisst. It's all so very tiresome.

Pattern recognition and the acknowledgment of vastly different temperaments and abilities amongst horses, donkeys, and mules is settled animal science. But apply that same science to humans - who, despite having souls, remain physical biological creations - and it's suddenly taboo and evil.

God gave some people blue eyes, and some people kinky hair. He also gave some people sharper minds - not every child can or should be 'top of the class.' God distributed these differences both inter- and intra-racially. He also gave us the sense and reason to notice these differences and their social outcomes.

Anonymous said...

Now show the same map but with average IQ levels at those same latitudes.

B said...

Preach it Brother.

Color is indicative of race, and race is a predictor of intelligence and of behavior.

To deny that is to lie to yourself.

tsquared said...

Go to Finland in the summer. The people have the fairest skin.

Anonymous said...

Even Jesse Jackson once said that if he heard someone coming towards him in a parking lot how relieved he would be to see it was a white person. Iv'e always held that child abuse breeds criminality. It is rampant in the black community. Abuse a child; get tied to a tree in the town square and solidly flogged for all to see. Not a great solution I admit but this shit has to end somewhere. Goes for priests too. By the way I would like to see a contract in every Sunday tithe envelope outlining in contract form what the money may & may not be used for. $1.5billion paid out by smug bishops to cover clergy abuse in Los Angeles! I digress but c'mon give me a break. Put that money in a non-clergy third party administrator account w/ a flogging clause for misappropriation of funds. That should get their attention.Rat bastards.

Anonymous said...

(Rolls eyes)

Most of these comments about "criminality" could only be made in a country like the US where class and race are almost inextricably intertwined for historic reasons. Ever heard of chavs, guys?

As to the comments about IQ and civilization and whatnot, friendly reminder that it wasn't until they came in contact with Rome that the ancestors of most of the people reading this blog became civilized, and it took centuries for them to do so.

Mind your own business said...

Differences in skin color is just a marker for differences in cultural and behavioral traits. And it is a remarkably accurate marker. Not perfect, and not the only one, but it is a great first pass screening tool.