Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Very good questions. Will we ever get any answers?


I've deliberately refrained from much comment about the assassination attempt on President Trump and the fallout from it.  Things appear to be getting murkier and murkier, and the number of unanswered questions and mysterious coincidences are growing by the day.  One wonders whether we'll ever get (honest) answers to them all.  (If the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and the current Attorney-General are running the investigations, I'd say that's very unlikely.)

Aesop, writing at Raconteur Report, puts together a list of points that, taken together, are a searing indictment of the so-called "Deep State".  Here are a few examples.

Somebody made the decision to half-ass Trump's protective detail all along.

Somebody made the decision, despite multiple requests from the campaign, not to increase Trump's protective detail.

Somebody decided, despite clear and credible threats of an Iranian assassination plot, not to increase Trump's detail in the days prior to the Butler assassination attempt.

Somebody decided to deliberately and knowingly lie about that, and claim that just the opposite had happened.

Somebody on Trump's detail made the jackassical decision to place the nearest building to Trump's podium outside Secret Service responsibility, against all common sense and basic SOP.

Somebody made the jackassical decision not to put Secret Service countersnipers on top of that very building.

Somebody made the decision to not have everyone on the same radio frequencies, and not to have liaison officers from all agencies in each others' command posts, to literally make sure everyone was on the same page at all times during the event.

Somebody made the decision to pull all of Trump's actual Secret Service bodyguards from him at this event, and replace them with fat-assed, half-assed, untrained and unqualified fifth-string security bumpkins from DHS. And just pretend Trump was being protected by the Secret Service.

There's much more at the link.  Recommended reading.

Next, the Oversight Project of the Heritage Foundation came up with some awfully suggestive coincidences concerning the would-be assassin's electronic devices and others associated with them.

I know there will be those who say, "Oh, they're just coincidences!  You can't draw any meaningful conclusions from them!"  Perhaps . . . but taken with Aesop's points to ponder, plus the known mendacity of the FBI and related agencies, I'm not so sure.

All I can say is, if I were President Trump, I'd want to hire my own security agents to watch the "official" ones whose duty it was to "guard" me.  I'd feel a lot safer that way.



Old NFO said...

The Israeli team he had before was pretty good... MUCH better than USSS... and no, we will never know the truth.

tweell said...

I'm sure that the investigation will have the same rigor and transparency that their previous investigations have managed. Recent examples - the cocaine in the white house, Hunter's laptop, The Los Vegas mass shooting.

Top. Men.

Anonymous said...

The deep state really needed us struggling with the assassination death of Donald Trump. Brace for impact!

Paul M said...

In these matters there are no coincidences, and TPTB are working hard to bury this failed Op into obscurity. A 20 yo Wet Noodle gamer with no social media presence? Uh huh.

Aesop is spot on with his event background overview, which is damning to say the least. He's not on board with a 2nd shooter but I have seen seriously detailed digital data and video (with sound) mapping of projectile "traces" through the crowd by a guy who does this type of analysis. He did it for Vegas (helo's vs. overweight Paddock running back and forth between rooms), Covid (looks more like H7N9 flu, which I agree), and this, "The Attempt". Video footage is very compelling.

Regardless, nothing - absolutely nothing - is as it seems or as presented, let alone the fact that everybody is lying through their swamp-stained teeth. And Harris as President? No one can be serious about her as anything above Dog Catcher, but she is a timely smokescreen.

Dan said...

Not A somebody....but a lot of somebody's. And some of the less important somebody's are likely to have "tragic accidents" in the near future so they can't tell what they know.

Will Brown said...

Two points to also consider:

The USSS routinely cooperates with private (which is to say corporate or business) security agencies as well as foreign equivalent government protective details, so incorporating Trump's personal, private detail with USSS elements has been a routine SOP for decades now, and not the complication it is often presented as being.

Additionally, the standards of prosecuting such discoveries isn't identical to that of investigating an event or occurrence. "Appearance of impropriety" is still the basic investigative standard for evaluating evidence or the activities of those potentially involved, with that discovery being subjected to the legally required standard for any resulting prosecution being met before any prosecution can occur. Two different standards needing to be met to complete any investigation or prosecution that results.

Mis-applying these standards is a commonplace distraction attempted by ideologues in these type of circumstances, and ought to be the minimum standard used to vet any such public statements: if you make such an obfuscatory statement, you ought to be required to prove the assertion in a court of law, or face potential fines or other punishment as a legislature may require, if that statement can be shown to be provably false at the time it was made (ie: from the evidence available at the time the statement was made public). Since the individual states control election processes, this could well result in multiple state and federal prosecutions, so a standard with a multitude of teeth possibly.

We'll never stop people from making false statements entirely, but we can codify those predictable situations such as this one (assassination being a predictable potential threat) in an effort to better protect everyone's 1st amendment right to say and hear such statements in a transparent process, equally available to all.

ColdSoldier said...

There no such thing as coincidences, only patterns. I’ve seen the secret cervix operate up close and personal. They don’t make mistakes, much less a string of amateur mistakes.

HMS Defiant said...

It will be like every other lie they’ve told.

Unknown said...

> Somebody made the decision to not have everyone on the same radio frequencies, and not to have liaison officers from all agencies in each others' command posts, to literally make sure everyone was on the same page at all times during the event.

As someone who does communications (Ham and Emergency Services, including FEMA training on how to organize communications for large, multi-agency incidents), you do not want to have everyone on the same frequency, and it's probably not possible to have everyone on the same frequency (not all radios can talk on the same frequencies), add in encrypted communications for some agencies and it becomes even harder.

That is why the standard procedure is that you setup an Emergency Operations Center for major events where you have representatives from all agencies in once place, each with their own communications and other specialists to handle coordination.

I am very sure that they had such a setup, it may have been that the SS didn't treat it as real (I've seen cases where one agency decides that it's so important that it doesn't need to bother talking to anyone else)

but in all the things that were done wrong around that event, getting everyone in the area on a single radio channel is not something that is desirable

David Lang

Anonymous said...

I agree. That is one point that is, better or worse, common practice.
Each agency present usually uses the radios, frequencies, and communication procedures they are used to. This also routinely caused problems - for example, the raid recently where several LE were killed, mentioned by BRM at the time, had at least 4 agencies poorly coordinated.
I would be surprised if operations like this went any better since the security team is so "pick up".

Andrew Smith said...

And to think it happened only days after the Democrats had the ugly realisation they were backed into a corner and were otherwise completely hosed with Biden as their only candidate. It's not as if he was withdrawing at that point in time. Something had to change if they wanted to still win the next election.

Judy said...

To quote Vladimir Putin, "There are no coincidences." 
You connect the dots, follow the money, and there is your answer.  
During the hysteria around the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020, it did not make any sense.  I sat back, watched, and listened, picking up snippets of information here and there. Shortly, it made sense what was going on.

Justin_O_Guy said...

If they wanted to figure it out there would be a reenactment and the video would be used to determine exactly where his nose was pointed. Then a laser pointer would be used, aligned with the marks on his ear. That is where that bullet came from.

Aesop said...

@David Lang,

Be sure all you want. You're unfortunately wrong, because you're applying the standard of what reasonable people would do in protecting a presidential candidate, to people whose chief motive was trying to kill the next president.

One of those things is not like the other one.

There was no event coordination center, and SOMEBODY made the decision to forego such a basic common-sense procedure, which hampered the LE teams from finding out WhoTF was on the critical roof in question, long enough for him to get off 8 shots, one of which barely missed killing Trump (blowing his head apart like a watermelon) on live TV, and which killed one man, and critically wounded two others, as a direct consequence.

The feds in charge have no federal immunity from murder charges, and the local D.A. should indict the lot of them for conspiracy and murder, all the way to the head of DHS.

As I said in the OP, once is happenstance.
23 happenstances is an 8,000,000 to 1 recockulously infinitessimal chance.

This was a (poorly) planned and co-ordinated assassination plot by the very people charged with protecting presidents, former presidents, and potential future presidents.

Let the waterboardings commence, in earnest.

This is death-penalty levels of treason, conspiracy, and attempted murder.

People need to be dragged into the public square over this, exposed, tried in open court, convicted, and executed.

Everybody else not criminally culpable should be fired, stripped of pensions, and barred from any government employment in perpetuity.
Bottom to top.

This wasn't two or three minor underling flunkies somewhere playing "Let's see what would happen if...".

This is the kind of conspiracy that goes to the top rungs of the ladder, because it's the only way this could ever happen.

Stevie Wonder could see that, from space.

Aesop said...

@David Lang.

Be sure all you want.
The trouble is, you're wrong.

There was no such SOP co-ordination, because SOMEBODY decided not to do that obvious normal operational procedure.

This caused LE counter-sniper teams to hesitate when they saw RTAF on the critical roof, allowing him time to line up and fire 8 shots, barely missing blowing Trump's head apart on live TV, killing another man, and critically wounding two others.

You think there must have been such a co-ordination center, but in fact there wasn't.

That's because you're trying to apply the standard of reasonable behavior of people trying to protect a presidential candidate, to people who were quite obviously trying to assassinate one.

One of these things is not like the other one.

Let the waterboardings commence.

Federal agents have no local immunity for conspiracy and murder, and the local D.A., at minimum, should arrest the lot of them, and prosecute them all.

Beyond that, at the federal level, these are death-penalty worthy trials for treason, conspiracy, and murder, and everyone from the lowest flunkies to the head of DHS should be indicted.

Anyone not criminally culpable should be fired, pensions cancelled, and barred for life from any government position or employment.

This was political terrorism of the highest order, and it demands public executions of the guilty.

Once is happenstance.
Twenty-three specific happenstances is an 8,000,000 to 1 recockulously obvious conspiracy, not two low-level flunkies saying "What if...", but people at the top rungs trying to alter the course of a nation for political gain.

Those people should be ruthlessly rooted out, tried, convicted, and executed publicly.

Anonymous said...

What about all the t-shirts for sale the day after this and available on Amazon. I read setup all the way. The one's who were killed, just sacrificial lambs. And, where's all the freakazoid's...nobody behind Trump, seemed to be shaken from this mho

Unknown said...

@anon 10:02

t-shirts are printed now, so you can have them shipping almost as quickly as you can design them (which for some people is very quickly), and they can be on sale even before they are printed.

As for people not freaking out, I don't think this is quite as surprising, and we've had our people shot at not that long ago (the congressional baseball practice)

the joy in seeing that he's not dead and eagerness to get the election over is trumping any calls to go out and shoot the ones who encourage this sort of thing.

David Lang

B said...

We saw Cheatle do the dance in front of congress, but we DIDN'T see the person in charge on the ground in Butler being grilled....

Why were they not on the hot seat and answering the questions about the total failure that day?

Aesop said...

Cheatle didn't kill herself.
Which is sad from an accountability standpoint, until the day she doesn't, but ends up there anyways.