Thursday, July 25, 2024

Not a fruitful headline...


The subject of the article is actually innocuous (i.e. the fruit), but given North American slang (i.e. not the fruit), the headline left something to be desired.

Cherries line up for a controlled modal switch

Um . . . yes!  Quite!


EDITED TO ADD:  The headline appears to have been modified since then, but it's still funny.

1 comment:

Hamsterman said...

My wife left town with a banana
Love's a rotten deal
They say he's really cold and hard
But I admit he's got appeal

Don't let this happen to you:
A piece of fruit
break your marriage in two!

My wife left town with a banana
My baby's slippin'
My baby's slippin'
My baby's slippin' away