Friday, July 12, 2024

Something weird is going on with Comments


I've noted in the past that there are times when Google simply doesn't seem to know what to do with Comments on this blog (and others).  The Blogger platform sometimes deletes comments as soon as they're made, before I get a chance to view them;  at other times, it memory-holes comments that have already appeared on the blog.

Now - at least, for the past week or two - Blogger appears to be sending some perfectly valid comments to Spam, without giving me a chance to moderate them.  What's worse, they appear to be mostly by regular commenters here, who've established a good track record of no spam comments, no profanity, etc. - in other words, no reason to block them or their comments.  I've "un-spammed" at least six comments like that over the past couple of days, and am now forced to manually check my Spam folder a couple of times a day to see whether any others have been redirected there.

I've no idea why this is happening.  I'm very frustrated by it, but the Blogger team don't appear to answer queries at the best of times, so I don't know whether they'll provide any explanation this time round.  I'm sorry for any heartburn this causes commenters - but again, I have no idea why it's happening.



Celia Hayes said...

Disqus is doing something weird, too - I can't access comments on Insty and Powerline, not even going through my Disqus account. WP site comments of mine are going into the spam file on those various blogs, too.
I thought that the computer update would fix it, but no - I'm essentially locked out of any site that uses Disqus,

boron said...

I know I'm not paranoid (heehee, hahhah, hoohoo), but it is getting closer to election time

Bob C. said...

I suspect that the "Blogger Team" may now consist of an array of microprocessors running defective and biased "AI" software. It's the coming "Thing"! 😜😜😜

Old NFO said...

WP is doing the same thing... sigh

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

Blogger is puking when I try to post pictures from my computer. Something weird going on. It pukes for a while...then I can load images...then starts puking again.

It almost feels like somebody is reloading buggy beta versions on top of patched versions.

Anonymous said...

Peter, I've seen several bloggers saying that they're having similar problems, and with different platforms, as noted by Celia and ER Joe.
--Tennessee Budd

Dirty Dingus McGee said...

If this comment makes to publication, it will be I think the second of a dozen that made it.

John T. Block said...

Since when do Farce-Book or any other media company give people a chance to respond to strikes or post take-downs to a real person? The answer is "NEVER!"