Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A fruitful relationship?


The BBC reports that pineapples are now love-apples, so to speak - or, at least, want-love-apples.

In recent days, many single Spaniards have been drawn to branches of supermarket chain Mercadona between 7pm-8pm by claims they can find romance at that time, particularly if they put a pineapple upside down in their shopping trolley.

The phenomenon seems to have been driven in great part by the actor and humourist Vivy Lin, who posted a video on TikTok of her pushing a trolley around a Mercadona store talking about the supposed window.

“The time to hook up in Mercadona is 7pm to 8pm,” she said.

. . .

The pineapple manoeuvre is reportedly completed by pushing your trolley into the wine section of the store and hoping that a person you find attractive responds positively.

As the story has gone viral, it has led to some unusual and sometimes disorderly sights.

In Madrid there have been reports of groups of teenagers pushing trolleys around stores in the evening, without buying products.

One man was dressed as a giant pineapple by his friends inside a store as part of his bachelor party celebrations.

. . .

While the latest use of the fruit may have proved popular with some, there have been reports that the pineapple mania has not found favour with many Mercadona employees who are left to clear up unpurchased goods.

One video showed a worker pushing boxes of the fruit away from shelves and towards a storeroom as 7pm approached.

There's more at the link.

I can't think it's any worse than swiping left or right on a hook-up app like Tinder . . . at least you get some fruit out of it!  Is that what they mean by sex ap-peel?



The Other Andrew B said...

I have told my wife repeatedly that she has to outlive me, if for no other reason than to keep me from ever having to reenter the dating scene.

Blue said...

I recall something about the pineapple being a symbol around the swinging scene, similar to the ace of spades.

JNorth said...

I don't know the origin of it but from what I have been told (and NO, I am not a part of this group, ick) the upside down pineapple has been used as a symbol for "swingers" and the like for quite some time.

Tanfj said...

Pineapples have long been a symbol of hospitality.

This fruit is a semi-common indicator that one is a swinger.

Anonymous said...

No shortage of Fruits at the BBC. The fresher the better by all accounts.

Old NFO said...

Snort... what is... no, I don't even want to ask...

Anonymous said...

Then there is the threat of being "reamed with the rough end of a pineapple"

Sendarius said...

Apparently, a cardboard cut-out of a pineapple on the outside of a cruise ship stateroom door is a signal to a certain group that the occupants are open ... so to speak.