Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Dehumanize the foetus - then there's no killing involved in abortion


I note with anger that "a panel of experts" has recommended changes in the way radiologists report the presence, health and condition of a foetus in the womb.

Radiologists and students studying the practice will now be instructed to avoid referring to first-trimester babies as “living” or “live,” according to new guidelines developed by a panel of scholars.

. . .

One [recommendation] tells radiologists not to refer to the “heart” or “heartbeat” when conducting ultrasounds on unborn babies in the first trimester.

“Since cardiac development is a gradual process and cardiac chambers are not fully formed in the first trimester, the term cardiac activity is recommended in lieu of ‘heart motion’ or ‘heartbeat,’” the lexicon states.

The second tells radiologists that the terms “living” and “live” also should “be avoided in the first trimester.”

The scholars wrote that they made the recommendation because “these terms may be appropriated by people outside of the field of medicine to support political rhetoric and proscriptive legislation.”

“In addition, these terms may raise unrealistic expectations for patients facing potential pregnancy loss …” they wrote.

There's more at the link.

It's pretty obvious what these "experts" really want.  They want to remove any reference to "life" or "living" when it comes to the contents of the womb.  After all, if it's not a human being in there, it can be aborted and disposed of with no moral implications and no ethical consequences.  Saying the "baby" is "alive", or that its "heartbeat" can be heard, tells parents in no uncertain terms that there is a human life involved, and is a strong pro-life motivation in and of itself - which they want to end, at once if not sooner.

Critics have not been slow to point out this dichotomy.

The organization Secular Pro-Life ... responded, writing on X that the scholars did not say the terms “living” and “live” are scientifically incorrect; rather, they opposed them because they “may be ‘appropriated’ to ‘support political rhetoric.’”

The group’s website cites numerous medical textbooks and academic studies that state unborn babies are living human beings with beating hearts in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In other words, the recommendations by the "panel of experts" are no more scientifically valid than the idiots who proclaim that "Trans women are women!", and who deny the scientifically obvious and incontrovertible reality that chromosomes make the man (or the woman).  They may be politically correct, but they're medically and scientifically nonsensical.



Anonymous said...

Democrats and the left are on the side of evil. They are the party of death and destruction.

Beans said...

The first thing any good socialist does when in power is redefine terms to allow dehumanization of undesirables. Untermensch, not really human, so okay to treat like any other pest species.

To do that with babies, insane. Crazy insane.

And, well, I guess we all know who the true master these evil people serve, and it isn't Upstairs if you know what I mean.

HMS Defiant said...

When I read stories like this I think of my grandfather (MD) and Uncles (MD) and recall that I have never met more independent thinking and cantankerous men in my life, except for one Master Chief. But the idea of them taking any kind of nonsense like this for real does boggle the mind.

Anonymous said...

I thought that fetuses knew what gender they really were, but if it’s just a clump of cells how is it determining it’s gender…