Wednesday, September 4, 2024

In Memoriam: Paul Harrell


Many of my readers are doubtless familiar with the coaching and instructional videos on YouTube of Paul Harrell.  His wide knowledge of firearms and careful teaching method has helped thousands of people become better shooters and more informed firearms owners.

Paul was diagnosed last year with pancreatic cancer.  Despite hopes that it might be treatable, it progressed faster and farther than initially thought, and his condition deteriorated over the past few months.  Yesterday, his brother posted this short farewell video from him.  In less than 24 hours online, it had already attracted over 30,000 comments, including some from big names in the field of firearms education and instruction.

May he rest in peace, and may his sins be forgiven him.  He will be missed.

His firearms channel on YouTube has been shared with his brother, who will maintain it and probably post more videos from time to time.  I recommend its existing content highly, and look forward to more useful material there.



Michael said...

Rest in peace, Paul.

I'll miss his common sense gun knowledge.

James said...

RIP Paul.

The last line"Don't try this at home"


Anonymous said...

Paul was a class act. He will be missed by many.

Paul said...

I will miss him. He was pretty good and I never saw anything bad on his channel. He even answered some questions I have had from time to time.

Old NFO said...

May he rest in peace.

John said...

“Don’t try this at home, I’m what you’d call a professional.” I’m going to miss Paul.