Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday morning music


Here's a piece we've heard before, one of the best-loved in the classical music repertoire:  Beethoven's Choral Fantasy.  This performance is anchored by pianist Tengku Irfan, with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Youth Choir conducted by Andrew Litton.  I chose it not only because it's a good recording, but because the conductor really gets into the swing of things in the final, choral movement, bouncing around like a teeny-bopper at a rave.  It made me smile, so I thought you'd enjoy it too.

It's all in the bounce, man . . .



LL said...

Don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.

Anonymous said...

If you enjoyed that, you must find three minutes to watch this. I have rarely seen musicians enjoying their work so much, and I was a musician for a long time.